One More Storm (Mistletoe Matchmakers of Clearwater County #6) - Bonnie R. Paulson Page 0,12

Deans and the Wilsons, matchmaking is what makes this town go round. That and Christmas.” He leaned back in his chair and spun softly side to side as he watched her.

“I’m not with anyone, actually. Matchmaking seems to work for others in my family, but not so much for me. I’m a misfit.” She sighed, clasping her fingers together and swallowing past the sudden constriction in her throat.

“I understand not fitting in. From what you said last time,” Tommy glanced at his open notebook and then back up at Amanda, his gray eyes focused solely on her. “You said your mother had an affair and you’re actually the result of that affair and your father by marriage is the one who raised you. Does that sound right?”

“Yes, exactly right.” Amanda winced at the starkness of the truth he presented. It was one thing for her to say it, recite it to others, and to even think the truth repeatedly in her mind, but to hear someone else say it so matter-of-factly left her feeling a little empty and hollow inside.

“Well, I think we can push aside the family issues for a minute. If you’re not with anyone, I would think we would want to address that part of the story, first. Because you don’t have deep seated daddy issues. Judging from what you reported, you haven’t known about this specific father situation long enough to develop daddy issues, would you agree?” Tommy twisted the pencil back and forth in his fingers as he studied Amanda.

“Right. I would agree with that.” So, that’s what they were going to do? Pick apart what was wrong with her? Point out why no one cared about her? Fun. She was paying for that?

“I think we need to figure out what it is you don’t like about the men in your life. You’re more than a catch and once we can figure out what they’re lacking, the sooner we can figure out what’s keeping you feeling like a misfit.” He leaned forward, studying Amanda with intently focused eyes.

“Amanda, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. I think you’re hurt and trying to figure out how to process things. You’ve been feeling out of sorts, but I’m not going to lie, most people feel that way which actually makes you fit in more than you know. So, we need to figure out where that sensation stems from and then we need to address it. I don’t see any reason for you not to fit in here or to feel like you don’t.” His lips pulled into a smile that left Amanda’s toes curling.

She couldn’t help batting her eyelashes. He was saying everything she needed and wanted to hear, everything that left her feeling warm and comforted. And he said it with a voice that soothed her like hot cocoa on a cold day.

Running her fingers through her thick hair, she tossed the large mass behind her shoulder while rubbing her lips together. “Thanks. I think that’s a great place to start.” But what if he found out she was immensely attracted to him? And that she couldn’t stop thinking about him?

She’d have to switch therapists and that just wasn’t an option. Not when she liked this one so darned much.

Maybe he’d say it was transference or some other psychology term. But Amanda was comfortable with him and the last thing she wanted to lose was the one thing she’d been searching for all her life.

The chance to feel like herself for an hour or two here and there.

She needed that. And she was willing to pay a man to get it.

Chapter 7


Taylor couldn’t shake her worry about Amanda. It wasn’t like her sister not to call and let Taylor know she wouldn’t be showing up for an invitation. Amanda usually went out of her way to be mindful of others. The lack of communication rankled Taylor, but not enough to upset her.

The next morning, she leaned up, kissing Roman on the cheek as he stood at the sink and loaded dishes into the washer. “Thanks, honey. I’ll be back before lunch. I’m not sure what Lily needs, but she said she’d keep it short. The twins are fine, they’re just overly tired lately. If you need help, your mom said she’d be happy to stop by.” Taylor lowered down from her tiptoe position to reach him and pursed her lips to the side. “In fact, I think she was not-so-subtly saying that she wanted to Copyright 2016 - 2024