One More for Christmas - Sarah Morgan Page 0,79

problem with snow.” She glanced up from her notes. “I’d like to see as much of the surrounding area as possible. My objective today is to get a real feel for the place so that I can evaluate our options.”

“Right.” He hesitated. “It’s pretty wild around here. I’m sure not all of it will be a draw.”

“You’re worried it’s too remote? I picked up on that last night.”

“Because of my mother?” He fiddled with the heater. “She was trying a little too hard to convince you, wasn’t she? How did she describe this place...?”

“I think her exact description was the hub of civilization.”

He groaned. “She won’t be in charge of marketing, I promise.”

“I thought she was charming.” She was quick to offer reassurance. “And Kinleven might not be the hub of civilization but I can assure you that’s a benefit.”

“You’re sure about that? We are pretty remote.”

“Yes, I’m sure.” She smiled. “This is my job. This is what I do.”

“Not all of the estate will appeal to visitors. I need to know what you think will work and what won’t.”

“You’d be surprised what appeals to people. That’s why I’d like to see as much as possible. When I’ve had time to digest the information, we’ll talk about it. I’ll prepare a full proposal. And we’ll need to consider costings of course.” She made a few notes on her phone. “We need to discuss your staffing, and logistics in the event of severe weather. In the meantime, show me everything, unfiltered, including Rudolph and his teammates. Although it seems a shame not to include Tab for that part.”

He drove carefully as they hit a bumpy part of the track. “We’ll make sure she spends time with them. The forecast is good for the next few days. I have an idea that might work.”

“If it’s anything to do with reindeer, she’ll love it.”

He glanced at her. “You’re a doting aunt.”

“You’ve met her. How could I not be? Also, being an aunt is perfect. I get all the fun and none of the responsibility.”

“You and your sister are close.”

“It’s obvious?”

“Yes. And also you mentioned it on the phone. You said you spoke every day.”

Was there anything about that phone call that he’d forgotten? She felt herself blush. “Kyle used to get a little frustrated that Ella and I were always talking.”

Brodie made no comment.

But what was there to say?

“Ella and I are close in age, too.” She made no reference to the rest of that conversation. “There’s only ten months between us, although I’m still the oldest and the bossiest. You’re the oldest, too?”

“By four years. But Kirstie is definitely the bossiest. So I know you’re the protective older sister. I know you run a successful company. What do you do when you’re not working?”

“Not working?”

“I assume there are moments when you do other things.” He gave her a quick smile. “I already know you like opera and champagne.”

She sighed. “Mr. McIntyre—”

“Brodie. And I like opera and champagne too, by the way.”

“Brodie—if we could just forget that conversation ever happened, I’d appreciate it.”

“Why? That conversation is part of the reason you’re here.”

“Excuse me?”

“Did that sound suggestive?” It was his turn to be embarrassed. “I apologize. What I meant was, you were open and honest. Authentic. It was unbelievably refreshing. These days people filter everything, as if only perfection is acceptable even though we all know that doesn’t exist. Flaws are not allowed. Before you got in touch, I was contacted by another company who were interested in using the lodge for house parties.”

“You were?”

“Yes. I turned them down. They didn’t understand what we’re trying to do here. Kirstie always accuses me of being insensitive and responding to nothing but numbers, but it isn’t true. I know that if this plan is going to bring in what we need financially, then we have to look beyond the numbers. We need someone who understands this place. Someone who will bring in the right people. People who will love what we have here and want to come back. People who will appreciate it the way it already is. The company I contacted weren’t interested in our goals, or in the history of this land. They asked questions about Wi-Fi signal, phone signal, how we handle snow clearing, how we could try and minimize the fact that we’re remote.”

“That’s where your anxiety about the location came from?”

“It was part of it. I don’t want this place to be presented through a filter, and then have to deal Copyright 2016 - 2024