One More for Christmas - Sarah Morgan Page 0,39

hills. Not the Scottish hills,” Ella added weakly, before she was silenced by her sister’s scowl.

“I was telling you that I wouldn’t be going to Scotland now, or at any point in the future.”

Ella was fascinated by the way Samantha managed to yell without raising her voice.

She glanced across to Tab, only to see she’d wandered to the shelves and was examining dollhouse furniture.

“Okay I shouldn’t have said it. I admit it, but it was the first thing that came into my head. And I had no idea she’d say yes. She didn’t at first—but then for some reason she changed her mind.”

“Yes.” Samantha frowned. “I didn’t know she’d been to Scotland before. Did you?”

“No. And that isn’t really relevant. It’s now that matters.”

“But—” Samantha shook her head. “Never mind. Forget it. It doesn’t matter what happened, or what she thinks—we’re not going to Scotland. If you recall, I said there was no way I could ever visit after I had phone sex with the owner.”

Ella winced. “Small ears hearing everything—do not say the s word or I am going to have to answer a whole lot of awkward questions I don’t want to have to answer for a few years yet.”

Michael opened his mouth and Samantha silenced him with a stare.

“Don’t ask.”

There was laughter in his eyes. “Not saying a word.”

“My assistant was confused. She put the wrong person through on the phone. I thought I was talking to someone else.”

Michael rubbed his hand across his jaw. “It happens.”

Samantha’s eyes narrowed. “Are you laughing? Because if you’re laughing, I’m going to have to kill you.”

He pressed his hand to his chest. “Not laughing.”

Ella had never seen her sister so uncomfortable. “She’ll tell you about it over a bottle of whiskey when we’re in Scotland.”

“We’re not going to Scotland,” Samantha said. “And you could buy a distillery and I would still never repeat a word of that conversation to Michael.”

“But think about it. This could be perfect.” Ella’s mind was working. “You said the place was exactly right for your clients. You wanted to check it out. You were going to check it out until you totally humiliated yourself with the owner—”

“Thanks for the reminder—”

“But are you really going to let this perfect place, a place that could be the jewel in your Christmas crown, slip from your fingers just because you are embarrassed?”

Samantha tilted her head to one side. “Yes,” she said. “That’s a pretty accurate summary of my current strategy.”

Ella couldn’t believe this was her sister talking. Her sister, who had such great instincts when it came to her business. Her sister who, unlike her, was never afraid to stand up for what she wanted. “But don’t you see? If we all come, then it won’t be embarrassing.”

“Not following your logic there. The phone call still happened. And all of you being there just provides witnesses to further embarrassment.”

“You can brazen it out. Don’t tell me a guy in his sixties has never weathered an embarrassing moment before.” Ella warmed to her theme. “Imagine how perfect it could be. They want to sell a perfect Christmas. No one is a better judge of their skills than us.” Ella had a mental image of a cozy living room with plaid and soaring sofas. She imagined sitting with Michael snuggled on a window seat overlooking the loch, sipping champagne while Tab slept safely tucked up in their room upstairs. “Think about it! Whiskey in front of a roaring log fire, Scottish gin tasting—”

“Forget tasting. I’m going to need all the gin and all the whiskey if we do this.” Samantha sighed. “Everything inside me is shrieking that this is a mistake.”

“The worst that happens is that you don’t like the place and decide not to use it for clients.”

Samantha looked at her in disbelief. “Ella, that is not the worst thing that can happen.” She turned to Michael. “Talk sense into her. Tell her this isn’t a good idea.”

He shook his head. “I have always wanted to visit Scotland. I have two weeks’ vacation booked. It sounds perfect to me.”

Ella took his hand, suddenly excited. “Maybe this will work. Mom might be on her best behavior if Michael is there.”

“Why? What difference will he make? He is a physical representation of your terrible decisions.”

“Thanks.” Michael’s tone was dry. “I handle difficult people every day in my work. I’m sure I can handle your mother.”

“Overconfidence is never a good thing,” Samantha said darkly.

“She invited us to her place for tea once Copyright 2016 - 2024