One More for Christmas - Sarah Morgan Page 0,120

She’d had no idea. She hadn’t seen how vulnerable Samantha was.

She’d offered advice on so many aspects of life and change, and yet had no words of advice for herself on how to stop wanting to somehow undo the decisions she’d made. What it was like to want to take all the experience she’d gained over her years of life and apply them to the beginning. Hindsight wasn’t just a matter of timing, it was a matter of wisdom and that was gained with experience.

Gayle closed the distance and took her daughter’s hands, prying those tense fingers apart and smoothing them. “I was proud. Even when you fought me, I was proud, because I could see that you had strength and would always be able to handle what life threw at you. I should have told you that every day, so that you never had to doubt it. I was always proud of you, and I’m proud of the way you love your sister, and how hard you’ve worked to try and help this family.”

“I wish I’d done things differently.”

I wish I’d done things differently, too.

“You protected yourself, and I was the one who encouraged you to always do that. And you protected Ella. You’re a wonderful sister.” She kept hold of her daughter’s hand. “When you become a mother, they tell you about feeding and sleeping, but what they never tell you is that one day you might want to turn the clock back and make different decisions.”

“I don’t know—” Samantha shook her head. “I don’t have children. I can’t begin to understand how you felt. It must have been so, so hard. I’m proud of you, Mom. I should have said it before.” Tears fell, and Gayle wrapped her in her arms, something she hadn’t done since Samantha was a child.

“There.” She held her daughter, stroking her hair, soothing, until eventually Samantha pulled back and sniffed.

“Is this something we can put behind us? I really want to.”

Gayle, always so practiced at handling her emotions, discovered that she’d lost the art. “I want that, too.”

“I’m sorry—” Samantha sniffed again and scrubbed at her cheek with her palm. “You raised me not to be a crier.”

“And that was wrong. I taught you not to let emotions drive your choices—Here, use this.” Gayle found a tissue in her purse. “Luckily your sister ignored my advice and did her own thing. But you find it hard to show your feelings.”

Samantha blew her nose. “I’m trying to change that. Another choice.”

“Indeed. And I’m doing it, too.” Gayle gestured to her sweater, which was a soft shade of heather. “I’m learning to wear something other than black.”

“You look good in it.”

“And you looked good in that red coat you wore to the hospital that day. Stunning.”

“You said—”

“I know what I said, and it’s embarrassing to remember it. You have an enviable sense of style.” Gayle stood up straighter. “If you’d be willing to help me choose new clothes, I’d appreciate it. I’ve gone with ‘mermaid’ for this trip, but I need business wear that doesn’t look as if I’m either about to swim the ocean, or go straight from work to a funeral.”

“Of course.” Samantha gave a tentative smile. “You could come and spend a couple of days in Boston with me, and we could go shopping.”

Gayle had to fight back emotion. She was going shopping with her daughter. She was going to stay with her daughter. “I’d like that very much. You live alone? Ella told me you’d recently broken up with someone.”

“She’s right—I did. But the breakup was pretty mutual and we never lived together. He—wasn’t the one for me.”

Gayle wondered about Brodie but didn’t say anything. Her relationship with her daughter didn’t allow her to ask those questions yet. But one day, hopefully.

Samantha looked at her. “What about you? Have you ever thought about relationships?”

“At the beginning I didn’t even think about it. It wasn’t an option. I was too busy building a life for us.” Gayle walked to the window. “And I had no faith in myself. I’d made a terrible choice, once. How did I know I wouldn’t do the same thing a second time? It would have been a risk. Not just for myself, but for you, too. And after you left home—well, I guess I just got out of practice.” She’d built a life that didn’t include anyone else.

Samantha helped herself to water from the jug that was kept on one of the small tables. “If you Copyright 2016 - 2024