One Moment Please (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,73

you we should keep having sex?”

Josh frowns as he turns onto his side to mirror my pose. “And what else?”

“Nothing else,” I reply quickly, already feeling him want to pull away. “It’d be just sex.”

He narrows his eyes. “You’d seriously be okay with that?”

“Um, yeah, cuz the sex is really good from what I can tell so far,” I chirp, trying to lighten the mood.

He licks his lips and watches me cautiously. “But what if…you decided you wanted something more?”

“Do you want something more?” I volley back at him.

“I’m not really capable of more, Lynsey.” His lips thin as he stares at the space between us. “After Baltimore and just…everything I went through…this is basically all I’ll ever be.”

I wait, curious if he’s giving away any clues as to what could’ve happened there.

My voice is soft when I ask, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about Baltimore?”

He shakes his head and looks up at me, a tightness to his jaw that reminds me how great he is at putting up walls. “The truth is, I don’t have it in me to give any woman more. I’ll admit when you and I first met, I wanted to see you again. But not necessarily to have a relationship with you. Just to…”

“Fuck me.” I finish his sentence, ignoring the hurt that stirs in my gut over that blunt admission.

He blinks slowly. “I sound like a dick when you put it like that.”

“Well, your nickname is Dr. Dick for a reason,” I reply with a smile that he does not return. “Look Josh, it’s fine. If you’re a dick, then so am I because sex is all I’m interested in too.” I lean in and pin him with a serious look that I hope he believes. “I have plans for my future and opening my own clinic and starting a relationship now when I already have a baby to think about would seriously screw up all of those plans.”

Josh stares at me, a glimmer of hope in his eyes that wasn’t there before. “Do you really mean that?”

“Yes,” I reply with a playful shove. “And I asked Dr. Lizzy all of those sex questions because these pregnancy hormones are no joke. I’m horny, and I’m emotional and thinking about sex constantly. My vibrator is waterproof, but I don’t think it’s built for this much use.”

Josh narrows his eyes accusingly, his lips dancing with mirth. “I knew I could hear something vibrating whenever you took a bath.”

My jaw drops. “Ew, were you listening at the door?”

“No,” he replies defensively. “Well…a couple of times, yes. Sometimes I worry about you falling so I press my ear to the door to make sure I hear movement.”

I expel an incredulous laugh. “You’re insane.”

“I know,” he replies softly, looking a little sad.

A few seconds tick by, but I finally say, “You really should talk to someone about your anxiety, Josh. I know some good therapists that you could probably connect with really easily.”

He hits me with an unamused look. “Don’t push it, Jones.”

I hold my hands up in defeat. “Okay, okay. I’ll quit psychoanalyzing you as long as you put my Womanizer Pro40 into retirement for a while.”

The corner of his mouth tips up. “You’re such a giver.”

“You have no idea, Dr. Dick,” I deadpan.

“I’ll show you Dr. Dick.” He lunges for me, his lips connecting with mine briefly before sliding down my neck to rub his morning scruff roughly against my sensitive skin.

I squeal my protest as he nips and bites, laving at my flesh with exquisite torture as he lays me onto my back and positions himself between my legs. He moves his kisses down my shoulder and over my left breast, stopping to suck hard over the T-shirt I’m wearing before kissing a path all the way to the other breast to do the same.

I groan and thrust my pelvis upward, craving the thickness of him inside me again. “So I take it that was a yes, and we’re doing this?” I ask breathlessly and hear Josh murmuring his agreement into my cleavage. “Just sex?”

“Just sex and eventually a baby,” he replies, his head moving past my stomach and between my legs to the place that most definitely deserves some attention from anything other than the Womanizer Pro 40.

“I can’t believe you’re having a kid,” Max says, his expression a mixture of shock and possible mirth over his glass of whiskey before taking a fortifying sip. “You of all people. I mean…I can Copyright 2016 - 2024