One Moment Please (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,43

seconds it took for me to deliver that reply, the temperature shot up ten degrees. We stare at each other for a heavy moment.

I don’t want the damn pie in my lap—I want her.

Before either of us can say or do anything, a car honks behind us, breaking the sexual tension fogging up my windows as they wait for me to back out.

I sigh. “It’s probably wise for you to wait to eat that until after I get you home.”

“I think that’d be for the best.” She nods and faces forward, her cheeks flushing with a heat that seeps all the way through my core.

“You really think it’s a good idea to tell Kate you’re pregnant at her The End party?” Dean asks, driving north toward Jamestown.

“Well, telling her at the Tire Depot Customer Comfort Center seemed a little tacky.” I stretch back and adjust my flowy black top that hangs off my shoulders. I selected this shirt specifically to take attention away from my stomach. I’m definitely not pregnant-looking yet, but I’m now rocking a pie belly to match my pie butt. “And there’s no way she’s not going to notice I’m fake drinking. She has a freaky Spidey sense for that stuff.”

“It’s true.” Dean nods. “And she can sniff out when I’ve had sex recently too.”

This comment has me turning my full attention to Dean. “Speaking of which…” I lift my brows. “I heard some peculiar high-pitched sounds coming from upstairs when I got home the other night.”

Dean shoots me a flirtatious wink. “You were busy with Dr. Dick or those could have been your noises, Lyns.”

A laugh bursts from me, assuming Dean’s just being a flirt. “So, who was the girl?”

“No one you know,” he replies flatly.

“So, you just brought some random girl home?”

“Don’t act like you haven’t done the same.” He pointedly directs his attention to my belly. “At least I had the sense to check the expiration date on my condom.”

“Too soon,” I grumble and cross my arms over my chest in a mock pout.

Dean laughs. “Look, I’m sorry for the noise, okay? But since you’re clearly not giving it up to me, I have to get it somewhere.”

A sinking feeling weighs heavily in my belly over that candid response. I never expected Dean to turn celibate after I moved in with him. But considering I’ve only been there a couple of weeks and he’s already brought a girl home, I wonder how long this arrangement can really last.

The thought of being eight months pregnant and woken in the middle of the night by a strange woman’s cries of passion just seems…wrong. Or even breastfeeding in the living room when Dean comes back from working at the bakery. This isn’t a true long-term option for me.

“So, are you going to see whoever that was again?” I ask, watching Dean curiously for his reaction.

“No!” He laughs as though it’s the most ridiculous question in the world. “It was just a hookup to help me get over my obsession with the owner of Rise and Shine Bakery. Fuck, that woman Norah is all I can think about lately. You’ve seen her, right? She’s the stunning blonde who’s always wearing a bandana over her hair. We’ve been doing this weird non-flirting thing ever since I started going there for my lunch breaks, and it’s making me insane. She either wants me or hates me, either of which could make for some great sex.”

I smile at Dean’s little crush. “What’s holding you back? You’re usually one to go for it no matter what.”

“Well, Rise and Shine is the bakery Max wants me to invest in for a franchise opportunity. I have this rule about not shitting where I eat.”

My nose wrinkles. “That’s a disgusting phrase.”

“We’re roommates now. You’re going to hear this and a lot more. But don’t worry, I’ll cool it after the peanut’s born.” He shoots me a smirk, and then his face falls, probably because of my lack of amusement. “Unless you’re actually considering moving in with Dr. Dick now that you two are getting to know each other?”

I pull my lip into my mouth and chew. It’s been a week since our therapy session, and Josh and I have spent a few nights together. He’s taken me out for a couple of dinners. And we even went bowling like actual humans. Although, he got all snappy when I picked up an eight-pound ball and he downgraded me to a four-pounder that I think was meant Copyright 2016 - 2024