One Moment Please (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,4

whip. “Screw you!”

His eyes sparkle with amusement. “Easy now, if you have an outburst, I might actually have to call the hospital psychologist.”

Panic vibrates through my limbs. “You can’t be serious.”

How humiliating would it be for me to be working on my psychology paper and then have a doctor actually order a psychological evaluation on me? My blood pressure skyrockets at the thought of that mortifying scene.

Looking away, I take a deep, cleansing breath because the last thing I need is to have a panic attack in front of this dick. When I’ve calmed down, I narrow my eyes. “I was over here minding my own business.”

“For three months, you’ve been hanging out in a hospital cafeteria. Don’t you realize how messed up that is? People come here because they are ill or someone close to them is ill. They don’t come here because they like the pie,” he says while his eyes linger on my lips where there are surely more crumbs.

Swiping at my face with the back of my hand, I rise out of my chair.

“I was working on my thesis!” I nearly scream, dropping back in my seat when I realize we’re gaining the attention of the cafeteria diners now. I splay my hands on the table and lower my voice. “I was struggling to work from home, and I came in here one day with my mother for her first colonoscopy, not that it’s any of your business, but that’s when I discovered I enjoyed the ambiance of the cafeteria.” A knot forms in my throat, clogging up my words and hurting like a bitch.

He assesses me one more time. “You enjoy the ambiance of heartbroken families dealing with life-and-death situations?”

“Not everything that happens in a hospital is life or death. Last I checked, this place does boob jobs.” With those words, his eyes instantly flash to my chest, and I wish I could take them back because now the dick is most certainly thinking about how my B-cups could do with some augmentation.

With a frustrated growl, I stand and click my laptop closed, stuffing it and my books into my satchel. I grab my jean jacket off the back of my chair and turn to face him. “And last I checked, this was a public place, so I’m not breaking any rules.”

He stares up at me with contempt as he crosses his muscled arms over his chest. I hate that my traitorous eyes zero in on them. Dragging my gaze back to where it belongs, our eyes meet.

He replies through clenched teeth. “You may not be breaking hospital rules, but you’re definitely breaking socially acceptable ones.”

“Hypocrite!” I growl as I throw my bag over my shoulder and yank my hair out from under the strap. “And for the record, I actually do really like the pie here. The French silk is delicious!”

What happens next is not something I’m proud of. In fact, when I replay this scene later in my head, I’m going to wonder if perhaps I did need that psych evaluation after all.

In one quick motion, I grab a fistful of what’s left of my pie in my bare hand like a softball. I lean so I’m face to face with the hot doc and shove the entire handful into my mouth. But of course, my mouth isn’t big enough, and it’s pie, not an apple, so most of the contents squirt from between my fingers. The majority of it plops onto the table, but a large dollop of chocolate mousse lands on the crotch of this apparently very well-endowed doctor.

Triumph surges through me. Oddly enough, there’s also a throb at the apex of my thighs.

That’s seriously messed up. My eyes lift to his positively lethal ones as I lick a big chunk of pie off the corner of my lip and mumble around a full mouth, “You are a complete…dick!”

I walk away, shaking my pie butt and leaving behind my wonderful hospital cafeteria with that less than original burn.

It’s a good thing I live on the edge of town because I need the fifteen-minute drive to clear my mind of that dick of a doctor.

I mean, seriously. He’s a doctor. Doesn’t he have better things to do than police people frequenting the hospital cafeteria?

And this whole situation is a damn shame because all that deliciousness is completely wasted on him. What’s he got to be so angry about? You’d think a guy who looks like a stallion horse bred straight from the Copyright 2016 - 2024