One Moment Please (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,24

sign up that says: Jobless, homeless, moody, stressed the fuck out, and seeking mediocre pity sex.” I cringe at that last part as my memory floods with images of the last time I had sex. Somehow, I know that any future sex I have will never come close to being as hot as that night.

“Stop,” Kate groans, shaking her head with a laugh. “You’re not pity sex material. Just go out and have some fun. Own your transition, because that’s all it is, a transition. This date will help take your mind off the job hunt. Plus, you seriously need to clean the cobwebs out down there. It’s been well over a year since Barry the Pharmacy Tech, and I wouldn’t be surprised if your lack of action is the reason you’re not finding a job. Sex improves confidence…that’s just plain science.”

I force a laugh and try to hide the guilty look on my face. I never told Kate about me and Dr. Dick hooking up. I might have if only my departure hadn’t gone so epically terrible. That’s a lie. I still probably wouldn’t have told Kate because I’m not ready to admit that slightly violent, argumentative, spanking sex is apparently my kink. That is something she would feast on for years, and I’m working to forget any of that night ever happened.

Now if only my dreams would cooperate with my desire to forget. My dreams have been ridiculously potent these past couple of months. So potent that I literally wake up in the throes of an orgasm.

I didn’t even know that was a thing.

I guess I made it a thing.

I often replay that night in my head, and I honestly don’t know what came over me. I waffle between being turned on and horrified. I can’t imagine what Josh must think after I got spanked and dashed.

Is that a thing?

I guess I made that a thing too.

I’m sure that night just further confirmed the fact that Dr. Dick thinks I’m one hundred percent crazy town, and he’s probably sleeping well at night knowing he dodged a bullet.

I exhale heavily and force a smile for Kate. “Fine, I won’t cancel my Tinder date. How’s Miles? You think he’s getting ready to propose yet?”

“I have no clue, but he’s been acting suuuper weird.” She waggles her eyebrows suggestively.

Speak of the devil, Kate’s boyfriend, Miles, comes waltzing in. He’s crazy tall with black hair and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen on a person that tan. He’s a freaking dreamboat. And he is completely smitten with his redheaded tire shop waiting room smut writer.

Miles tips his head politely to me before leaning down and caging Kate in as he presses his lips to hers. The kiss lingers for a moment, and I can’t look away. He pulls back and stares at her from an inch away, and the two of them seem so in love, it gives me butterflies just watching them.

He finally breaks his trance on her and looks at me. “What’s up, Lynsey?”

“Not much, Miles. How about you?”

“Working away.” He props up his elbows on the table and smiles his white-toothed smile at me. “Trying to get this one to take a break from writing occasionally.”

“Good luck. When she’s in the groove, she’s in the groove.”

“You got that right.” Miles gives her a proud smile. “But she’s almost done, and I’ve been telling her we should host a celebratory party at the house. I can line the whole thing up. I’m a great party planner.”

“Someone say party?” Another male voice cuts into our conversation. Sam scratches his ginger beard as he strides toward us.

“Yes!” I bounce up and down. “Miles is going to host Kate’s next The End party so we can get drunk like the good old days. I know you’re the boss around here, but since you’re also Miles’s best friend, you can give him some time off to throw a party, right?”

“Obviously.” Sam sidles up next to Miles. “But I seem to remember Miles and Kate disappearing at her last The End party, so who are they really throwing the party for?”

“Good point.” I giggle with that recollection. “Party sex is so tacky.”

“Shut up!” Kate barks, whacking my shoulder playfully while blinking sexy doe eyes at Miles.

I interrupt their little eye-fucking session. “Kate, you just focus on finishing and give us a date when you’re ready.”

“Sounds good,” Kate replies with a smile.

I smile too because for the first time in the past few weeks, my mood Copyright 2016 - 2024