One Moment Please (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,116


Laughing, I sit in the open chair beside her, unable to hide my amusement. “A little breastmilk on the face isn’t as bad as pie on the crotch.”

Lynsey rolls her eyes. “Touché.”

I pull a piece of pie in front of me and tuck into it.

“How was your mommy and me class?” I ask around a mouthful of French silk.

“Very informative,” Lynsey replies and then opens her mouth when I offer to feed her a bite. She licks the remnants off her lips and adds, “Today, we discussed Kegel exercises to get our vaginas back to their former glories.”

My brows furrow. “I told you sex is just as good as it was prior to Jules. You’re being nuts about this.”

Lynsey’s nose wrinkles. “Still, I want to keep my situation high and tight for my hot doctor husband.”

“You can’t improve perfection.” I lean across the table and kiss her temple. I glance down at her mess all over the table. “What do you have for me?”

“Okay, so there are a couple of buildings the realtor said we can go look at tonight,” Lynsey says, turning her laptop in my direction. “One used to be a family practice clinic, so I think that’s our best option.”

“This looks like it has some potential,” I reply while clicking through the photos.

Lynsey nods her agreement. “We’ll have some major construction, I’m sure, but check out the square footage. There’s plenty of room for your exam rooms and my group counseling rooms.”

I sit back and marvel at my superwoman of a wife. She’s been focusing on the idea of the two of us opening our own clinic basically her entire maternity leave. She’s a mom boss through and through, and I have to admit, she’s getting me excited with her vision.

The concept is a family wellness center featuring medical and emotional care. We would have family therapy, Lynsey’s children’s group therapy sessions, and I would run a family practice out of half of the clinic. We can take on partners and grow it or keep it more boutique-style if we prefer. The concept should give both of us better hours so we can be home together as a family more often.

Since Jules was born, I’ve really taken to the whole Dad scene. I like wearing her across my chest and going for walks in the neighborhood, showing her off to anyone we pass. She’s such a pink, perfect little bundle that even when she cries, I want to love on her. Lynsey says I’m obsessed with my daughter, but considering I’m also obsessed with my wife, it’s all a good thing. And if opening this clinic will enable me to become a total family man, then bring it on.

And frankly, I miss working with children. Connecting with Julianna has made me remember my true calling in life. Yes I become a stressed out mess every time she gets a sniffle. And I know the bigger she gets, the more accident prone she’ll be, so boo-boos are bound to happen. But Lynsey reminds me that the rewards are worth the risks. And my memories with Julian are a testament to that.

Julianna finishes eating, and Lynsey deftly pulls her out from under her cover and hands her to me with a burp rag. “Hi there, kid, how has your day been?”

She smiles a big, toothless smile, and my heart aches in the most wonderful way that I never thought possible. Lynsey shuffles her chair over beside me, and the two of us coo over this beautiful baby who has turned our home completely upside down these past several months.

What once were Lynsey’s shoes that drove me nuts have been replaced by baby toys and contraptions and all the things a developing four-month-old needs. But it’s a mess that I want in my house all the time.

“When are we going to have another one?” I ask, pressing my lips to Julianna’s soft cheek.

Lynsey laughs. “You’ve asked me that question every day since we could start having sex again.”

“I want more,” I grumble, holding Jules to my chest and gazing at Lynsey who’s so beautiful it hurts to look at her sometimes. “You grow good babies.”

“Which is why I’m checking the expiration dates on all our condoms,” Lynsey says with a laugh. “Clinic first…then more children.”

I exhale heavily. “Fine.”

She smiles and presses her lips to mine for a long, lingering kiss. She groans as she pulls away, her hands outstretched. “You have to get back to work, so we’d better get going.”

“One moment please,” I reply, wrapping my arm around Lynsey as I hold Julianna to my heart. “I’m enjoying my family right now.”

THE END Copyright 2016 - 2024