One Moment Please: A Surprise Pregnancy Standalone (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,58

Now it’s like I need to go out there and find me a stud horse to ride while I prepare my body to give birth to a watermelon.

“That’s a lot of information,” I add and then clear my throat as my hormones rear their ugly head once more.

Dr. Lizzy smiles. “Just remember you’re not a delicate flower that needs to be kept in a glass jar. Have some fun and listen to your body. If you’re uncomfortable, the baby will be too. If you feel good, the baby is doing just fine. And all that extra blood flow pulsing in your groin area should make you feel very good.”

She giggles and then smiles brightly like this was the most normal conversation, and she stands to shake both of our hands. When she leaves the room, I can barely look at Josh because I have a feeling all he’s going to see on my face is…


Sex, sex, sex.

And we’re not having sex. We’re having a baby.

The irony is not lost on me.

So that means I will ignore those pulsing groin sensations she so blatantly called me out on. “I’m, um…meeting Kate in the cafeteria for lunch,” I mumble while grabbing my purse off the hook.

Josh’s voice is gruff when he replies, “I’m due back at the ER.”

“I’ll…see you at the house,” I chirp and then bolt out the door, thanking my lucky stars that I didn’t trip on the way out.

Kate waves when our gazes meet. I’m seated at my favorite table in the hospital cafeteria, already tucking into my food because I’m stress eating like a motherfucker right now. I smile back at her as she carries her tray over.

“I totally see the appeal!” she squeals, looking around with gleeful delight. She drops her tray across from me. “They have tacos here! Tire Depot never has tacos.”

I mumble around a bite of French silk pie. “You should put it in the suggestion box.”

“Trust me, I have,” she retorts, flipping her curly red hair over her shoulder. “You’d think boning one of the top mechanics would mean my opinion matters around that place.”

“Life is so unfair sometimes.”

Kate smiles as her eyes lower to my belly. “God, look at you! It’s feeling so real now that you’re showing. Before you popped, I kept thinking you were going to explode into laughter and tell me that you moving in with Dr. McDick Baby Daddy was an elaborate prank.”

I huff. “Emptying my entire pod into his place would have been very elaborate indeed.”

“Well, we’re nothing if not committed to our sense of humor.” She smiles and then tips her head to look at my face. “How are things with my little godchild? You had an ultrasound today, right?”

I nod and dig out the black and white photo of my little peanut. I slide it over to Kate, and her eyes widen as she inspects every little detail. “Peanut looks great. Healthy. Normal. Right on track. Oh, and we’re not going to find out the sex.”

“What?” Kate exclaims, her face falling in horror. “Lynsey, I’m not patient enough for surprises. You should have consulted me! I would have convinced you that you’re stupid and that the baby is eating away at all your good sense!”

I laugh at her deadpan delivery and take the photo back, tucking it safely away. “Well, that may be true because I just asked a slew of mortifying questions to the doctor right in front of Josh.”

Kate’s brows lift excitedly. “Oh, this sounds juicy. How are things with the good doctor? You’ve been cohabitating for a few weeks now. Living in secret sin with a love child that your families still know nothing about.”

I level her with a look. “I think there has to be love for it to be called a love child. And things with Josh and I are good. He works a lot, but when he’s home, we’re normal, cohabitating adults. Having my own bedroom and bathroom eliminates a lot of problems. And I think he’s finally given up on the idea of me putting my shoes in the foyer closet.”

“Guys are so dense sometimes.”


“How can you remember what shoes you have if they aren’t scattered all over the house on display?”

“Exactly!” I say. “He’s very quiet and methodical in his daily routines. It’s kind of fascinating because he’s so deep inside his own head, I don’t think he even realizes I’m watching him. But he seriously never leaves the house without checking on me. I’ve even caught Copyright 2016 - 2024