One Moment Please: A Surprise Pregnancy Standalone (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,56

about his folks, acting like he’d be fine with just surprising them at the birth while I’ve been having nightmares of running into my mother in the grocery store and her accusing me of getting fat again, like college.

The tech hands me the photos and leaves the room. I study them, my heart in my throat, still amazed at the miracle I’m growing in my body. Josh helps me off the table, his eyes avoiding the images I set on the chair before slipping into the attached restroom to get dressed. When I emerge, he’s staring at his phone, not the photos, and I try not to let that bother me.

“We need to tell our parents,” I say while walking back over to the exam table. I hop up on it, facing Josh in the chair beside me.

He inhales deeply and looks up. “Why?”

“Because the jig is up!” I point at my belly. “I look therefore I am. We can’t hide this anymore.”

He pins me with a skeptical look. “You haven’t even told your parents that you moved out of Dean’s place.”

I scoff at that reply. “How would that have gone? Hey Mom and Dad, I’m moving in with a man who you don’t know, and that I’m not dating just…because.”

Josh shrugs.

“Why are you so resistant to telling your parents? I thought you said they were cool.”

“Cool compared to yours who are crazy religious,” he replies, sitting back in the chair and stretching out his legs. “But you don’t know my mom. She’ll be all over you, asking you what color your pee is and what colors you want for the nursery. She’ll make you go shopping with her.”

“Oh yeah…the nursery.” My jaw drops. “We haven’t even discussed where the little peanut will sleep.”

Josh shakes his head reassuringly. “My office that’s right next to your bedroom is practically empty. We can convert that to a baby room when we’re ready. But I really don’t think we need to worry about any of this now.”

I nod, slowly accepting his words. His place definitely has room for all three of us, and the office would be very practical. But I still don’t know how long I’m actually staying there. Can we really cohabitate and raise a baby together and not actually be together?

Although it should be noted that living there is no hardship. I never noticed when I was there that first couple of times how gorgeous the house actually is. Josh said it was one of his friend Max’s flipped properties. Max clearly knows what he’s doing because Josh’s house is ten times more luxurious than my old digs.

The bedroom I moved into has a walk-in closet and great natural light. The guest bath across the hall is basically my own, which is incredible because it has a huge soaker tub that sits on a bed of gray rocks with a waterfall showerhead that comes down from the ceiling. It’s like walking into a spa. Josh’s master bath is just as gorgeous with a huge sink and vanity area and a cracked tile walk-in shower with a huge stone bench and two spray heads.

Moving in all of my crappy furniture was probably a dick move, but unless I was content living in the awesome tub, it had to be done. Especially as I wasn’t about to let Josh buy all new furniture and let me live there. I don’t want to owe the man my life when this weird arrangement is over.

Thankfully, things are going well so far. Josh definitely works a lot, but he checks in on me regularly throughout the day. And I’ve been so excited about my new job. I kind of enjoy having someone to talk to about it every day.

Suddenly, the doctor comes in, and Josh and I turn our attention to her. Dr. Lizzy is a short, bubbly blonde with curly blond hair and a constantly raspy voice that makes you want to give her a cough drop. She came recommended by one of Josh’s colleagues in the ER, and I’ve really liked her at my regular checkups. She seems totally at ease with the fact that Josh and I are not a couple.

“Everything looks perfect, you guys!” she says, looking down at her tablet and scanning through the photos. “Baby growth is right on track. Heart chambers look good. Fluid is right on. Seriously, this is everything we want to see.”

“What about doing some screenings and maybe an amnio?” Josh asks, his voice deep Copyright 2016 - 2024