One Left Alive - Helen Phifer Page 0,79

his face, trying to decide if he was telling the truth or bullshitting her.

‘Morgan, why are you dressed in black and sneaking around your garden holding a rolling pin?’

Her shoulders dropped. ‘I heard someone outside, saw someone run behind this tree. Then you turn up, it’s a bit of a coincidence.’

‘Can we go inside? You’re shivering.’

Morgan was torn; what if it had been him hiding? She realised that she’d been watching the tree the entire time since she’d come outside, and he hadn’t come from that direction. She nodded and turned, walking back to her flat. Ben followed, his hands tucked into his trouser pockets.

‘Look Morgan, I don’t know what’s going on here. But you’re shaking and your face is white. Sit down, I’ll get you a drink and you can tell me what happened.’

She sat down, the rolling pin still in her hand. He began to open her cupboards and found two glasses. ‘Do you have any alcohol?’

‘Vodka in the freezer.’

He opened the fridge and smiled. ‘I see you’re as interested in cooking as I am.’

She shrugged. ‘I actually like cooking, I haven’t had time to shop.’

Pulling the vodka out of the freezer compartment, he said, ‘You’re a girl after my own heart. I always keep my vodka in the freezer.’

Pouring out two measures, he carried one over and passed it to her. She threw her head back and downed it.


He did the same; it went down the wrong way and he ended up coughing into his sleeve. For the first time since he’d arrived, she smiled at him.


‘A little.’

‘Good, what happened?’

She filled him in on the last fifteen minutes and he stood up. ‘I’ll go and check outside.’

‘No point, whoever it is has gone.’

‘Who do you think it was?’

‘Stan, maybe? Although he’s usually too drunk at this time of night to stand straight, never mind hide behind a tree and stay perfectly still. You?’

‘Morgan, it’s not me. I have no reason to try and scare the life out of you. Why would I want to do that?’

She knew he was telling the truth. ‘Sorry, it was just a bit weird you turning up at the same time.’

He looked down at the empty glass in his hands. ‘I was worried about you. I felt bad. I’ve totally pushed you in to the deep end for your first week. Then when you didn’t come back, I couldn’t settle, and thought I’d better check in on you. I might be an arsehole, but I’m a caring one.’

A laugh escaped her lips and she felt better. She pushed the rolling pin down the side of her chair.

‘I also had a phone call from Declan. He said you’d been to see him and made some excellent observations. He thinks you’re okay and believe me he doesn’t like many people. Wendy has been to the hospital and took samples of Bronte’s hair. They’re on the way to the forensic lab in Chorley as we speak.’

‘That’s great.’ She stood up; her legs didn’t feel as wobbly. ‘Would you like another drink?’

He passed her his glass and she refilled both of them.

‘I’d better call a cab.’

‘You can sleep here if you want, the chair is really comfy. I don’t have a spare bed, but I do have spare bedding. I’ll drop you off at yours in the morning so you can shower then we can both go to work. Save you messing around with taxis.’

‘Thank you, that’s really kind of you but I’m a bit old to be sleeping on chairs. My back will be breaking by the morning. I’ll ring for a taxi.’

Morgan had to stop herself from blurting out that he could sleep in her bed. He’d think she was too forward.

‘No worries, I can still pick you up in the morning. Do you want some food before you leave?’

‘No offence, I’m starving but your fridge contents leave a lot to be desired.’

‘Ah, but you haven’t seen my store cupboard. I can rustle up a tuna pasta bake and there’s a garlic bread in the freezer.’

Ben laughed and nodded. ‘All right, sounds perfect.’

She didn’t tell him she had an ulterior motive and was trying her best to keep him here as long as possible. She didn’t want him to go; she liked his company and there was no way she was telling him she was scared to be alone.


Greg Barker was pacing up and down the front office of the police station. He’d been waiting fifteen minutes and his blood pressure was rising by Copyright 2016 - 2024