One Left Alive - Helen Phifer Page 0,60

Come on, let’s get the inside of this place checked out so you can see if your theory has some substance to it. Either way we need to find some solid evidence that might link whoever did this to the crime scene, and then we can arrest them. Then everyone can get on with their lives, the boss will sleep better, and the locals won’t be terrified of going to bed. There are all sorts of rumours going around that there’s a serial killer on the loose. We need to put an end to those and fast; this is Rydal Falls, not Yorkshire.’

As they reached the front door, Morgan paused for a moment and looked up at the house. Could a house be evil? Or maybe it was unlucky. She watched as Ben fished the keys from his pocket and opened the door. Her heart beating a little faster than it normally did, she tried to stay calm as she followed him inside. The photographs she’d studied last night flashed into her mind. Staring at the stairs, she took a deep breath and paused at the bottom.

‘Stop! Get out now!’

She felt as if she was going to pass out as every bit of colour drained from her face. She didn’t need telling twice as she retraced her footsteps out of the door.

‘I’m an idiot, that kid threw me off-guard. We need to get suited and booted, just in case there is some evidence.’

‘Is that it?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Jesus, you scared me. I thought you meant there was someone in there.’

He laughed. ‘Sorry, I wondered why you went white.’

They walked back to his car and began to dress in protective clothing.

Morgan couldn’t help stealing a glance back at the house. She had the distinct feeling that someone was watching her and it was giving her the creeps.


Jamie Stone walked into the council meeting late, like always, and Greg lifted his arm and looked at his wristwatch like he always did whenever this happened. Jamie shrugged, held up a hand and began to squeeze in next to Jackie and Steph, the two local councillors who seemed to idolise him. Greg felt the first tiny flames of anger ignite inside his chest and he had to flex his knuckles. He didn’t know why he let Jamie upset him this way, he just did. His ex-wife would say it was jealousy, that he was envious of the attention the man seemed to command whenever he walked into a room. Which was bullshit; he just didn’t like the smarmy bastard. He realised everyone was staring at him, waiting for him to continue, and he didn’t have a clue what he’d been talking about. He glanced down at his notepad.

‘Where was I before we were rudely interrupted? Oh yes, the terrible tragedy on Easdale Road.’

Jamie spoke up. ‘Terrible yes, but it wasn’t some tragic accident, was it? Almost an entire family has been murdered in cold blood and the police haven’t got anyone in custody for it yet. Do we know what’s going on and if they have any viable suspects?’

‘Not that I’m aware of, but isn’t this your department? You usually know far more than me. What’s the matter, have they given the media a blackout?’

He let out a laugh that echoed around the room. The look of surprise on all their faces at his reaction made him realise everyone was horrified by his words and he stopped abruptly.

‘Sorry, totally inappropriate. It’s not funny at all, I’m not saying it is. We need to reassure local residents that everything is okay and they’re safe in their homes. There are a lot of older people who live in this area, we don’t want to be scaring the living daylights out of them. Perhaps that’s why the police press office isn’t telling you anything, Jamie. We all know the reputation that paper you’re responsible for has, sensational headlines that are never factually correct, to sell papers. I sometimes wonder how it hasn’t been shut down, the amount of complaints you must get.’

Jamie leant forward on his elbows. ‘Say it as it is, Greg, don’t hold back, will you. How can you say people are safe in their own homes? That’s rubbish, no one is safe until they have the killer behind bars. We don’t know why he killed a family. Who’s to say he isn’t out there now choosing the next? We could have the next Yorkshire Ripper on our doorstep. It happens, Greg; just because we Copyright 2016 - 2024