One Left Alive - Helen Phifer Page 0,27

boy and he can have the next place that becomes available; besides, if she’s crap and it isn’t working out, I’ll send her back down and he can come up. I can’t get fairer than that.’

‘You know this could go to professional standards if he finds out he was passed over just because he gets on your nerves. We’d both be up shit creek without a paddle. Not to mention it’s unheard of to give someone so inexperienced this kind of opportunity.’

‘Yeah, I’m aware of that possibility. However, he’s not going to find out about this conversation, is he? Just like your missus isn’t going to find out where you really were on the work do.’

Mads glared at Ben, who felt bad that he’d resorted to blackmail to get what he wanted. But it was Morgan or nothing; there was no way on this earth he was working extra-long days with Dan. He wanted to solve these murders, not spend his time resisting the urge to punch his cocky little face every time he opened his mouth.

‘On your head be it; this is nothing to do with me. Don’t say I didn’t warn you when it all goes wrong.’

‘Why would it go wrong? She seems okay. At least she’s keen and isn’t worn down and feeling jaded yet like most of the response officers. Thanks.’

He opened the door and saw Dan hovering around outside. He didn’t even look his way. By the time he’d reached the stairs he heard Dan go into Mads office and ask if he could have a word. Which just proved to Ben what a sneaky little shit he was. Let him go to professional standards with a complaint; he’d tell them about the way he bullied new officers. Two could play that game.

Amy was sitting at her desk, sipping a large mug of tea. She nodded at him.

‘You have some visitors.’


‘Some bigwigs from HQ. They’re in your office with a brew and biscuits. You can thank me later.’

He went into his office to see a DCI and a DC he vaguely knew from the Murder Investigation Team.

‘Morning, ladies.’

‘We’ve been sent down to lend a hand.’

‘By whom?’

‘You know the protocol, anything big and they call us in. Look, as far as we’re concerned you have everything under control. We can help get extra officers in to run the HOLMES system: they can input the information onto the system to be collated and pass out the relevant tasks it generates. Help with enquiries, that kind of thing. It’s not a pissing contest; there’s a dead family.’

‘I’m well aware of that, thank you. Well, your help would be great. How does it all work then?’

Both women looked at each other. They’d obviously thought he’d put up a fight.

‘I’m Detective Chief Inspector Claire Williams and this is Detective Constable Abigail Walsh. We can run the HOLMES from HQ, and one of us can come down here and work to oversee the investigation. Feed back into it, offer you support. Come up with an investigative plan: everything you do, but it comes under the remit of the Murder Investigation Team.’

‘Sounds fair enough.’

Again, they glanced at each other; obviously not used to such a warm welcome, he thought to himself. He didn’t care. He could do his own thing. Morgan would do what he asked, and Amy rarely listened to anyone. She was always doing her own thing. The rest of the team could take up the slack and keep these two happy. As long as the three of them worked together on his little squad it would be fine.

‘There’s a briefing in the blue room in’ – glancing at his watch – ‘in an hour, that should give CSI a chance to get back. Is that okay with you both?’

They nodded.

‘Help yourselves to desks, whatever you need. Amy will sort you out.’

‘Thank you, that’s great,’ said Claire, the older-looking of the two.

If Ben had to choose, he’d say that Abigail would get the short straw and have to work down here with his team. Claire would pull rank, make the younger detective drive here every day.

He stood up. ‘Can I get you another drink?’

They both shook their heads.

‘Excuse me while I go make one then, I need coffee.’

He left them in his office and walked back into the larger one, where Amy was staring at Morgan, who had arrived, hair damp and out of uniform.

‘You found us then, bet you feel better after that shower.’

Amy swivelled her head to look Copyright 2016 - 2024