One Left Alive - Helen Phifer Page 0,108

if it’s nothing and I’m freaking out?’

‘Then you have to live with the shame for a couple of days. No biggie, you’ve done worse.’

He dialled 999. ‘It’s DS Matthews, I need backup at 1 Singleton Park Road. Concern for welfare.’

‘We already have a patrol on its way. We had a request a couple of minutes ago.’

‘By who, the occupant?’

‘A man, he hung up without giving his details.’

Amy looked at Ben, shaking her head. ‘Shit.’ She put her foot down and drove even faster.

Before they knew it she was speeding through the drive, gravel underneath her tyres spraying everywhere. There was a gaping hole where Morgan’s huge window had been. Ben got out and ran towards it, Amy following behind. The howling wind and rain were making the curtains flap in and out of the broken window. He pushed one to the side to go in.

‘Careful, boss, someone has already hurt themselves.’

He looked down to where she was pointing, to see a trail of bright red blood, and his stomach clenched so hard he thought he was going to be sick. Then he was inside, stepping around the blood. There was shouting coming from the hallway. Sirens could be heard in the background and Ben was glad he’d phoned.

As he stepped into the hall he was greeted by utter carnage. Morgan’s lifeless body was hanging from the wooden balustrade leading up to the first floor, and at the bottom of the stairs a badly bleeding Stan was grappling with Harrison Wright.

Amy ran up the stairs to grab Morgan’s arms and Ben put his shoulders under her feet, taking the weight off the noose around her neck. Amy deftly untied the knot and lowered her onto Ben’s shoulders.

‘Have you got her?’


She ran down the stairs as two officers ran out of Morgan’s front door. They looked at the carnage and ran to where Harrison was still trying to get away from Stan. Amy helped Ben lower Morgan to the ground. She shouted at the officers who had separated the two fighting men. ‘Ambulance now.’

‘On its way.’

Ben pressed two fingers against the side of Morgan’s neck; she still had a pulse.

‘Is she breathing?’ Amy asked desperately.

He couldn’t speak but gave Amy a thumbs up. Gathering Morgan up into his arms he sat on the floor cradling her.

Both Harrison and Stan were in cuffs. Stan was bleeding heavily and pulling to get to Morgan.

‘Is she alive?’

Ben nodded.

Stan turned to try to get to Harrison. ‘I’ll kill you, you bastard.’

The officer holding Stan pulled him away from Harrison. Ben looked at them.

He pointed to Harrison. ‘Get him in the cage now. And uncuff the other guy.’

‘Are you sure, boss?’

‘Yes, he’s her dad.’

The officer mumbled an apology to Stan and released the cuffs. Stan lurched forwards, falling to his knees. He reached Morgan and tugged her necklace out of his pocket, passing it to Ben.

‘Give her this when she wakes up and tell her I’m sorry, I love her.’

Amy turned away. Ben saw the tears in her eyes. More sirens and then hammering on the front door. She ran to open it, relieved to see the paramedics. Both of them rushed towards Stan and Morgan.

‘You can tell her yourself you love her, Stan, you owe her that.’ Ben clasped her necklace in his hand. ‘But thank you.’

Stan’s eyes closed and he sank back against the stairs. The paramedic requested another ambulance. One of them began to work on Stan, applying pressure pads to the deep wounds; the other began to check Morgan over. Lifting her eyelids, he slid a pulse oximeter on her finger.

Ben held her as gently as he could and didn’t want to let go. He didn’t want to lose her; he’d only known her for a short time and yet she’d changed his life completely. He didn’t care if she didn’t feel the way he felt about her; being her friend was enough for him. He could live with that; he’d settle for anything. He didn’t realise he was crying until the second ambulance arrived and the paramedics brought a trolley in to lift her on to. Stan was already in the first and on his way to the hospital; Morgan would soon be following.

Amy passed him some rolled-up tissue. ‘You go with her; I’ll sort this mess out.’

‘Thanks, Amy.’

He followed the paramedics out and climbed into the back of the ambulance. He’d stay with her until she woke up and was only leaving if she told him to.

Morgan had been put in Copyright 2016 - 2024