One Good Deed - David Baldacci Page 0,73

surprise into his coffee cup. Archer had never before engaged in personal fantasy in any form. He had been raised by stoic God-fearing parents who labored hard and disciplined their only child just as hard. He had volunteered to serve his country, fought in and survived a world war. He had been too busy trying to stay alive to be fantasizing about not dying. Then he had roamed a bit and fallen into a situation that had resulted in his serving time in a rough prison where the rules of civility did not exist, and the guards were sometimes worse than the men they were overseeing. This was the only time he had allowed himself to diverge from the starkness of reality, the good and the bad of it. It felt surprisingly real and personal and satisfying. For about ten seconds.

Then Archer took his paper bag, opened the door, and went to butcher hogs.

Archer did his cutting with a more practiced hand that day. But when he was done, he was as covered with hog fragments as the day before, maybe more so because he had been more productive wielding the knives and saws. He wasn’t as sore, though, on the ride home, as his hard muscles had quickly adjusted to his labor.

And the lunch in the paper bag had helped.

Dickie Dill rose from his seat on the truck, stared down the man next to Archer, and took his space when the man vacated it.

“What’s up, Dickie?” said Archer, his eyes hooded, but his peripheral vision squarely on the little man, looking for any hint of a knife coming out.

“Guess you think you done me a favor yesterday.”

“That’s the way I looked at it. You’re not back in prison, right?”

“Maybe so. But you do that again, I’ll cut you up like you do them hogs.”

“Thanks for the fair warning.”

That seemed to take all the anger and venom from the man. He settled down, pulled a pickle wrapped in wax paper from his pocket, and started chewing on it.

“We’re supposed to get paid tomorrow,” said Dill.

“I know. I’m counting on it.”

“Thing is, I hear tell there’s trouble ’bout that.”

Archer glanced sharply at him. “Come again?”

“Word is they ain’t got the money to pay all they owe us.”

“Where’d you hear that?”

“From folks who’d know, that’s where.”

“But look at all the hogs going through that place. They must be making money hand over fist.”

“Not what I heard.”

“Who owns the place, then?”

“Hank Pittleman, least he did.”

This didn’t come from Dill. It came from the man on Archer’s other side who had evidently been listening.

Archer gaped. “Pittleman owned the slaughterhouse?”

“Yes sir, he sure did,” said the man, an older gent in filthy coveralls and wearing an equally dirty fedora, an unlit smoke dangling over his plump lower lip, the cigarette jerking up and down as he spoke.

Archer looked at Dill, who had made no comment on this.

The older man added, “And like this here feller just said, folks say they ain’t got the money to make full payroll. Heard it too, myself.”

“So why are we working then?” said Archer.

“’Cause we ain’t got nothing else,” said the man simply with a shrug of his broad shoulders. “And they might pay some of what they owe. I ain’t walking away from cash money, little though it might be.”

“Kick in the nuts, ask me,” said Dill, finishing his pickle and wiping his hands on his pants. “I’m gonna cut somebody up they try and pull that shit on me.”

Archer didn’t even attempt to quash this notion from Dill. Part of him wanted Dill to cut somebody and then end up back in prison, where Archer firmly believed he still belonged.

He got back to town and jumped off the truck.

And found Irving Shaw waiting for him.

The detective was wearing a brown suit and freshly laundered shirt, though his haggard features told of sleepless nights and the burden of solving a murder. He pushed back his homburg and eyed Archer closely.

“Heard you got work at the slaughterhouse. How’re the hogs doing?”

“Not too good, actually, considering their only job is to die. Why are you here?”

Shaw caught the eye of Dickie Dill, who was watching him closely, his knifelike hands curled into fists.

Shaw apparently didn’t like what he saw in Dill because he pulled back his jacket so that both his pointed silver star and his .45 were showing prominently.

“Don’t I know you, fella?” he said to Dill.

“Nope,” said Dill. “Leastways, I ain’t know you.”

Shaw kept his eye on the little Copyright 2016 - 2024