One Good Deed - David Baldacci Page 0,48

at Archer. “Where are my manners? Hello. You were here before. Hank had hired you for something or other.”

Archer took off his hat and glancing nervously at Jackie said, “Yes, ma’am. Name’s Archer. I’m very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Pittleman.”

“Thank you, Mr. Archer.” She looked back at Jackie. “The whole world seems to be crashing down on me. But it was sweet of you to come visit.”

Jackie sat down next to her and took Marjorie’s hand in hers. “We’ll get through this. They’re going to find who did this and that person will be punished, as they should be.”

Marjorie nodded at these words. “I hope you’re right, dear. I hope so.”

“Did Bart come by? Or was it someone else?”

“No, it was Bart Coleman and the other one. The tall boy.”

“Jeb Daniels.”

“I guess they’ll be looking into this?” interjected Archer.

Marjorie said, “No, I don’t think so. Whenever we have a murder out here, they send in someone from the state police to investigate things.”

“How many murders do you folks have?” asked Archer, his eyes growing wide.

“Well, every place has somebody killing somebody else,” pointed out Jackie matter-of-factly. “And Poca City is no exception.” She patted Marjorie’s hand. “We’ll find out what we can, and then we’ll come see you again. Now you need to get some sleep.” She eyed the glass. “You think that’s a good idea?”

“Better than pills.”

“I suppose.”

“But what about all Hank’s businesses? He never told me anything. I suppose there are things to do.”

“All you need to do right now is get some rest. Here, let me help you up to bed. Archer, I won’t be long.”

The women departed, and Archer was left to his own devices.

He was about to light another Lucky but changed his mind. He stuck it in his hatband for later. He looked out the window. In the rear he could see numerous outbuildings. And cattle in fenced fields. Crops in other fields. Horses in adjacent paddocks. Men and trucks and tractors and dogs racing to and fro. Crop silos rose up from the dirt like the rocket ships Archer had seen in comic books. He had seen all this on his previous trip, too, and it was just as impressive the second time around. There was a lot of business going on here, and the missus of the house didn’t appear to be up for any of it.

He opened the glass door and walked out into the back.

He spotted Sid Duckett holding a clipboard and talking to three other men who looked tired but were listening intently. After the men left, Archer walked over to the big man, who was dressed nearly the same as before, in dirty pants, a tucked-in cotton shirt, dusty boots, and a straw hat.

“Guess you heard the news?”

Duckett nodded.

Archer surveyed all the activity. “A lot going on here.”

“Yeah but it’s not just here. He’s got a lot of businesses. Including a bank.”

“A bank?”

“Man owned First City Bank in Poca. And the Derby Hotel and the Cat’s Meow.”

“Damn, didn’t know about the Cat’s Meow. So, what’ll happen to everything now that the man’s dead?”

Duckett looked toward the house. “The missus don’t really get involved in all that. Maybe sell out?”

Archer scratched his ear. “Hell, who around here can buy all that?”

“Well, there’s Lucas Tuttle.”

“Jackie’s father?”

“That’s right. He’s got a lot of land. I mean a lot. And he’s got money, least so I’ve heard. So how’d he die, Archer, you know?”

“Law says murder.”


“You think of anybody who’d want to do him in?”

Duckett shook his head. “He could drive a man who works for him hard and don’t I know that. And cut some tough bargains with other folks. But kill the man?” Duckett took off his hat and slapped it against his leg to clear the dust off. “I can’t think of a one.”

“There was at least one.”

He walked back into the conservatory in time for Jackie to reenter the room.

“You ready?” she said.

“I guess so. Was just talking to Sid Duckett out there. He said Pittleman owns a bank and the Cat’s Meow.”

“That’s right. Didn’t you know that?”

“How the hell was I supposed to know that?”

“Don’t snap at me, Archer. I was just asking a question.”

“Anyway, he said Mrs. Pittleman might have to sell out.”

“She might, and she might not. That’s not our concern right now, is it?”

“He said your daddy may want to buy it.”

Jackie looked warily at him. “Is that right?”

“Yeah, why?”


“How’s Mrs. Pittleman doing?”

“Terrible. She just lost her husband.”

“Good news is, she seemed to Copyright 2016 - 2024