One Good Deed - David Baldacci Page 0,102

the door shut behind him, pulled Archer over to the chair, and pushed him down on it.

“What the hell is going on?” asked a thoroughly rattled Archer.

Shaw eyed the half-empty bottle. “Are you drunk?”

“I might ’a been. I’m sure as hell not now.”

Shaw went over to the window where the drenched drapes were flapping in the breeze and the floor was wet. He slammed the window shut, put his shoe up on the windowsill, placed his left elbow over his raised knee, turned his head, and cast a keen eye on Archer. “Tell me something, and I want the truth. Did you go out to see Lucas Tuttle yesterday?”

“Yeah, I did.”


“To get the debt owed to Hank Pittleman paid.”

“And did you?”


“Where is it?”

“I gave it to Jackie. Me and her were going over later today to give it to Marjorie.”

“And did you get paid?”

“He put in three hundred for me. More than I asked for, but he said he respected what I had done.”

“Why would he pay off the debt if he didn’t get the note back? I understand it’s the same as cash.”

Despite the alcohol he had drank, Archer gathered his wits and formed his lie. “Pittleman gave me the note, so I could give it to Tuttle when he paid off the debt.”

“Is that right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Shaw’s gaze sharpened. “Funny, you never mentioned that before now. And what did Tuttle do with the note?”

“He burned it with a match and threw it in the fireplace. I saw him do it.”

“Did he now?”

“Yeah, he did.”

“The thing is, Miss Tuttle told me earlier that Pittleman did not give you the note. That he would do so only when he’d gotten paid everything due to him. So, I’ll ask you once more, where did you get the note?”

Archer let out an extended breath. “Okay, I took it from Pittleman when I found his body. But I didn’t touch any of his cash.”

Shaw shook his head the whole time.

“What?” asked Archer.

“I thought you and me had reached an understanding.” He tapped his bad arm, which was still in a sling. “Hell, you saved my life. But now you just admitted to lying to me again, so that don’t set too well.”

“I would have liked to tell you the truth, but things kept getting in the way.”

“I can’t tell you how many men I’ve put in prison have said something similar. So you were going to deliver that cash to Marjorie Pittleman later today?”

“Well, yeah. It’s owed to her.”

“When did you get back from Tuttle’s place?”

“Left there around four and got back to town about five o’clock or so.”

“So you had plenty of time to go to Marjorie Pittleman’s yesterday and give her that money back. Why didn’t you?”

“Jackie wanted to have time to get ready to meet with her father last night. So I went and got some dinner, and then came back here, got my old room. I had something to drink, and I guess I just fell asleep. I just woke up now when you were pounding on my door.”

“You been sleeping this whole time?”

“Off and on, yeah. Why? What the hell are you so riled up about?”

“I’ll tell you, Archer. Mr. Lucas Tuttle was found at his home shot dead.”

Archer leaned so far back in the chair, he nearly toppled off it. “The hell you say. He was alive when I left.”

Shaw let out a long sigh. “Please tell me that somebody can verify that.”

“I talked to a man named Bobby Kent before I left.”

“Was Tuttle with you?”


“Anybody else?”

“His secretary, Desiree Lankford, let me in the house yesterday.”

“Did she let you out?”


“So you got no alibi?”

“Well, when was the man killed?”

“We don’t know exactly. But he’d been dead a while, I can tell you that. Coroner will be working up a more exact time, but it won’t be to the minute, I can tell you that.”

“Hang on, Lucas Tuttle was supposed to meet Jackie at her house at nine o’clock last night. It was all arranged.”

“I doubt he made that meeting, son.”

“When did you find his body?”

“About two o’clock this morning. I just got back from there and came straightway here.”

“Why’d you go out there that late?”

“That fella you mentioned, Bobby Kent, phoned. He saw the front door of the house open last night. He went inside and found Tuttle dead. He called the police.”

“How’d the man die?”

“He was shot dead with a bullet from a revolver. Right through the heart. Died instantly.”

“There were two revolvers lying on the Copyright 2016 - 2024