One Desert Night - By Maggie Cox Page 0,54

an old family journal I found. It must be a couple of hundred years old at least. The only problem is my knowledge of your language is nowhere near good enough to understand it. I can make out some odd words and phrases, but that's all.'

'Why don't I help you?' Zahir's sister leapt up from her seat to move round the table and join her. 'I don't think I've ever seen this.' Her fingers stroked the intricately embroidered cover patterned with silk flowers in wonder. 'Where did you find it?'

Gina flushed guiltily. 'It was tucked away on one of the higher bookshelves. When I spotted it I guessed it must be a personal record of some kind. To tell you the truth I've been looking for evidence of marriages in the dynasty that have fulfilled the prophecy and continued happily right up until the end.'

After perusing the contents with their beautifully scripted writing for a few moments, Farida glanced back at her companion with excitement brimming in her eyes. 'This is my great-great-grandmother's journal, and in it she mentions the Heart of Courage! She's bound to have mentioned her own marriage at least, and if it was happy or not.'

Daring to stay with the hope that had been ignited inside her, Gina silently shook her head in wonder, even as the edges of her teeth clamped down anxiously on her lap...

For three years Gina had been bereft of Zahir's presence. But now, having seen him again, and knowing for certain that she had never stopped loving him and never would, the three days of his absence from the palace was like being slowly tortured.

Oh, she filled her days well enough with the job of the inventory, and Farida had been the kindest and best hostess and friend...but every cell in her body ached interminably to see Zahir again, and hopefully get the chance to show him just how much she cared. The idea of him returning with news of his upcoming wedding was like an approaching violent storm about to tear down her house, but Gina told herself she would not leave Kabuyadir without expressly telling him exactly how she felt once and for all. She would fight for the man she loved, and if after that he still rejected her then she would just have to accept that it wasn't her destiny to be with him after all.

Zahir was glad to finally arrive back at the palace. The sight of the turrets blazing like molten gold in the afternoon sun filled his heart with both pride and joy. It was good to be home. He'd spent most of the journey there and back again from Kajistan consumed with concern about Gina and his sister. Having given instructions that their personal bodyguards were to be extra-vigilant and stay close to them at all times, as well as posting extra guards round the palace and in the watchtower, he was still not totally reassured they were safe.

The uprising might have been quelled with the imprisonment of the rebel leader and his equally hot-headed brother, but after the incident Gina had suffered in the marketplace he knew there was no such thing as being too careful. On his way to Kajistan he had wrestled painfully with the wisdom of what he intended. He had almost turned back...almost.

'Zahir!' Farida ran towards him as he strode down the hallway towards his personal quarters. She tugged him hard, then stood back to survey him. She appeared a little nervous, he thought, and his brow furrowed in concern. 'I'm so glad you're back,' she said.

'All is well here?'

'Yes, everything's fine—absolutely fine. How was your trip?'

Her small hands twisted restlessly in front of her black silk dress, prompting a quizzical smile from Zahir. 'You are sure?'

'Perfectly sure.'

'Well, my trip was fine, too. The Emir's hospitality was second to none, as usual.'

'And what of his daughter?'

'She was...' He concentrated hard for a moment on how much to tell. 'She was very well.'

Suddenly brother and sister were like two awkward strangers, trying to make conversation at a party neither had wanted to attend. Zahir regretted that, but there would be time enough to make amends. Right now he was anxious to get out of his travelling clothes and take a reviving shower. But there was one subject he had to touch upon before he left.'

'And is she?'

Farida's answering smile was broad. 'She's good. We've been working hard on the inventory. She's upstairs in one of the galleries, surrounded Copyright 2016 - 2024