One Desert Night - By Maggie Cox Page 0,47

her face heat, Gina crossed her arms over her chest. 'The Sheikh told me.'

'Did he, now?' Jake's tone was scathing. 'You two are getting very cosy, aren't you? Thinking of presenting yourself as a candidate for his harem, are we?'

'Don't be such an idiot!'

'I'm not an idiot, Gina. I've seen the way his eyes follow you around whenever you're both in the same room. But men in his position don't have serious relationships with women like matter how pretty or intelligent they are. They only want you for one thing. I heard it rumoured that there might be an arranged marriage on the cards for our Sheikh...did you know that?'

It was the last thing she wanted to be reminded of—especially after the wonder and magic of last night. Desperately trying to quell the hurt that arose inside her, Gina took a long, steadying breath in. 'Have you told His Highness that you're intent on leaving today?'

Yanking down the lid of his suitcase and fastening it shut, Jake dragged his fingers back and forth through his already dishevelled sandy-coloured hair. 'Yes, I told him last night. He was in an all-fired hurry to leave the palace with the captain of the security forces. 'Tell Jamal to arrange it,' he shouted as he left, clearly not caring less. Well, I spoke to Jamal, and he made the necessary arrangements to get me out of here. Needless to say I won't be travelling home first class, as I'll just jump on any flight back to the UK I can get, but I'll willingly forego that particular pleasure to be back safe on home ground again. You should come with me, Gina.'

Not wanting to rub salt into the wound by confessing she'd taken on another job for Zahir, or let Jake see that she was in no way near ready to leave Kabuyadir, she slowly approached his as he stood by the packed suitcase on the bed. Just then he looked for all the world like some distressed and homesick boarding school boy, unsure whether his parents would turn up to collect him or not at the end of term...

'I can't go home yet. I came here to do a job, and I won't leave until I complete it. Besides...' She smiled. 'I really want to see the jewel.'

'Well, good luck with that. And what about your father? How do you think he'll feel about you staying here after you've been hurt, and with such unrest in the Kingdom?'

The question made her insides jolt, as if at the impact of a heavy rock dropped into a river from a great height. 'That's none of your business. The unrest here has been quelled, and I'd seriously advise you against contacting my father to tell him I got hurt. I told you he hasn't been well.'

'It's your call, of course...'

'Yes, it is.'

'Well, I suppose I'd better be off, then. I've got a ride waiting to take me to the cable car.'

'Have a safe journey. I'm sorry that your trip had to end like this. Please give my regards to everyone when you get back to work. Tell them I'll be in touch soon, with a progress report.' Leaning forward she brushed her lips lightly over the side of his jaw. This morning he was unshaven, she noticed. It proved how rattled he was.

Grimacing at the gesture, he glanced uncomfortably away. 'Yes, well—you probably think I'm a terrible coward, don't you?'

Feeling suddenly sorry for him, Gina moved her head, indicating no. 'Only you know what's best for you, Jake. It's not up to me to make judgements.'

'For what it's worth, I think the Sheikh would be damned lucky if you were to grace his bed...damned lucky.' Smiling awkwardly, he dragged his hefty suitcase off the bed and left.

'I thought I might find you here.'

Gina hadn't seen Farida all morning, so had got on with work on the inventory by herself. Now, taking a walk in the gardens to get some fresh air, she found Zahir's sister seated on the same bench in the courtyard garden where they'd first met a few days ago. Even before she reached her she had a strong inkling that the other woman's mood was low. The beautiful gardens, with their flowers, emitted tranquility and calm, but Farida's sad-eyed demeanour did not.

'I'm sorry, I didn't come and find you this morning, Gina. I have had a lot on my mind. How are you feeling today? You are not in any pain, I Copyright 2016 - 2024