One Desert Night - By Maggie Cox Page 0,40

garden. His breath caught in his throat.

In contrast the plain, traditional long black dress she wore hardly seemed fitting for such incandescent loveliness. He guessed it belonged to his sister. His first desire was to go straight to Gina, but because Farida and her servant Hafiz were both present he didn't.

'What is this I have been hearing about an assault on Dr Collins in the marketplace?' he demanded, not bothering to temper his outrage.

Both Hafiz and his sister flinched. 'It happened so quickly, Zahir. There was nothing we could—'

'Nothing you could do? he interrupted furiously, uncaring in that moment that Farida looked distraught. 'Why didn't you take a bodyguard with you? In fact, why did you not take two—one for each of you? Have you forgotten what happened to me just the other day? For the love of Allah, what possessed you to go to the market in the first place? If you had wanted something specifically you could have sent your servant!'

'I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I can't sit here and let your sister take the blame for something that happened totally out of the blue.'

Having risen to her feet—a little shakily, he noticed with alarm—Gina all but pierced Zahir's soul with the fiercely protective glint of her blue eyes. She continually astonished him. No more than now, as she refused to let him berate Farida for undertaking a trip she hadn't needed to make in the first place, thereby putting them both at grave risk.

'As lovely as it is, we both needed to get out of the palace for a while. When Farida suggested a trip to the marketplace I jumped at the chance. So if you're intent on blaming your sister, then I want you to know that I am equally to blame.'

'Did the assailant hurt you?' He couldn't help the catch in his voice. Right then he didn't care who noted it, either. It was hell to stand there and pretend his concern was only that of a respectful host for a guest who had suffered some accident or mishap whilst under his roof when all the while he wanted to hold Gina in his arms and ascertain for himself whether she was hurt or not.

'The man grabbed Gina from behind and dragged her from her chair. I am certain his aim was to abduct her, but fortunately she reacted quickly and bit him. He cursed and let her go,' Farida explained, colouring slightly.

'You bit him?' Was it possible for this woman to amaze him any further? Arms akimbo, Zahir stared.

'It was purely instinctive. I'm no heroine, I assure you.'

'The law enforcement officers found a dangerous looking knife under the man's robes.'

His sister glanced at Gina with what looked to be an apologetic shrug, but it was too late. Zahir's mind had already delved into the most horrific scenarios at news of the attack without the information that the assailant had been carrying a knife.

'And the officers interviewed you for details of the assault on Dr Collins?' His voice sounded strangely disembodied to his own ears, as shock and mounting fury spilled through his veins.

'They did. They'll be here shortly to have a meeting with you, Zahir. Do you think it was anything to do with the rebels?'

'I do not doubt it.' Scowling, Zahir dropped his hands to his hips. Helplessly, he returned his concerned hungry glance to Gina. Her skin had turned the sickly pallor of oatmeal, and suddenly, frighteningly, it was clear to him that she was having trouble keeping her balance.

'Gina!' Rushing forward, he caught her slim body in his arms just before she hit the marble floor.


AS HE kicked open the door of Gina's bedroom, to carry her across to the emperor-sized bed with its purple silk counterpane, Zahir realised he had an entourage. His sister, two servants—not including Jamal—and finally Dr Saffar, the personal physician he had commanded Jamal to fetch straight away, followed him.

Laying his precious cargo carefully down on the bed, he personally removed her shoes, then sat on the edge of the counterpane beside her, the tension inside him building excruciatingly every moment her eyes stayed closed. Taking her hand in his, he could not hide his shock at how cold it was. Moving to the other side of the bed, his physician lightly slapped Gina's pale cheeks.

Realising they were being watched, Zahir irritably waved his audience away. 'Go. Leave us!'

'May I stay?' His sister had tears in her eyes.

'Of course.' He didn't apologise for his clipped-sounding Copyright 2016 - 2024