One Cup of Daddy and a Dash of Love - Victoria Sue Page 0,40

start acting like a Daddy and get with the program.

With determination, Jensen poured juice into the blue sippy cup and fastened the lid down. The chips were okay, but Jensen would have preferred Dash to have something like a banana. Next time he would bring their own things.

Next time?

Would there be a next time?

“There’s an apple in my bag, Jensen. I forgot to get it out,” Patrick said and went to get it. “I’ll just cut it up, and then they can share.”

There was nothing for it. Jensen would have to suck it up and take Dash his juice. Hardly daring to breathe, he reached the table just as Dash glanced up and saw the sippy cup. “It matches your socks,” Jensen said gently and put it on the table in front of him. A beat of silence went by in which he very nearly snatched the damn thing back, but Dash reached over and took it.

“Ooh,” Charlie said. “It does. Your Daddy got it just right.”

Dash looked up at Jensen, his eyes full of something he could hardly put a name to. “Yes. Yes, he did. Exactly right.”

Nothing would have gotten the smile off Jensen’s face after that.


Dash was somewhere on cloud nine as Gran used to say. He’d been so nervous going to the club, but he now had a friend in Charlie—Dr. Rose was a Daddy, who knew?—and they had arranged what Charlie had called a playdate for next week.

And so many things in his life seemed to be clicking into place. When Jensen had brought him the juice in the sippy cup, for a second he hadn’t known what to say, and he had taken a huge leap of faith. If Da—Jensen didn’t want him to drink out of it, he wouldn’t have brought him it, right?

Dash’s hands tightened around the cup. In his head he was already calling Jensen, Daddy. Hearing Charlie and Malik call their Daddies like that had made him want it with such a burning passion it shocked him.

He’d watched how Daddy Graeme and Daddy Patrick were with their boys, and he wished with everything inside him Jensen would behave like that. Because he wanted everything. He wanted sippy cups, and cut-up apples, and playtime and cuddle time, and yes. He wanted something else as well. Sex had never been on his radar particularly growing up. He knew he was gay, yes, but…


Dash almost dropped his cup. He never swore, and he’d nearly said that out loud. What if? What if Daddy Jensen wanted an experienced boy? He groaned. He didn’t know if he wanted a boy at all, but what if…what if he wanted someone that knew what he was doing?

Dash squirmed. It might hurt. And he was a big fat—ugh—he couldn’t even say the word.

His gaze rested on Daddy Jensen, who was talking to Mommy Ellie. She was nice. She’d been kind, and she reminded him of Gran. Not as old obviously, but the same calm, unflappable manner.

He dropped his gaze. This was an even bigger problem now. He knew Daddy Jensen was interested. It was obvious. Hard dicks couldn’t lie. He felt the heat climbing up his face. Maybe tonight when they were reading a story, he could…what? Suck it? But what if he didn’t do it right? What if it tasted weird? What if…what if Daddy Jensen hated it? Tears sprang to his eyes, and he gripped the sippy cup even harder.


He took a breath and focused on Jensen. “Don’t you like your juice?”

He looked down. The cup was half-full, and he tried for another sip, but it seemed to get stuck in his throat. He glanced around. Was everyone watching him? Were they laughing? Panic started clawing at his skin. He gulped a hurried breath, but it didn’t help. He tried for one more, but it wouldn’t come.

“Dash, sweetheart?” He heard Daddy’s voice, but he didn’t seem to be able to answer. He dragged his eyes up—terrified—to the brown ones looking at him in concern. He vaguely heard someone say something else. He didn’t know if it was to him or about him, but he heard Daddy’s name said warningly. Why? Was he hurt? Was there something wrong? Why couldn’t he speak? Why couldn’t he move? Why couldn’t he—oh.

One minute the ceiling itself seemed to be pressing down on him, and then out of nowhere Dash was scooped up and held in Daddy’s arms and everything was quiet.

“Just take a breath for me.”

Dash gasped. He would do Copyright 2016 - 2024