Omens (The Dark in You #6) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,67

manage to successfully bind Lane’s power?”

“Yes. She also agreed to check on him weekly to be sure that no one has undone her magick.”

Keenan felt his brow pinch. “You don’t trust that Thea wouldn’t hire someone to unbind his gift?”

“I simply don’t trust her, so I intend to keep a close eye on the situation. If she is lying, we’ll find out soon enough. I just hope it won’t be in a way that leaves us dealing with a lot of blowback.”


Sitting on the chair in the studio’s break room, Khloé watched Teague pace up and down, a mass of restless energy. She’d called him yesterday when she’d returned from the bowling alley and asked him to meet her at her house today after work. She had a few things to share with him, and she didn’t want to tell him about her damn infection over the phone.

Khloé planned to keep it from as many people as possible for two reasons. One, it was never good for demons to know you were weak. Two, the news would then be less likely to reach her mother. But Teague’s loyalty was primarily to Khloé; he’d never divulge anything that she told him in private.

He’d agreed to meet with her at her house. But, having heard from someone that she and Keenan had been all handsy with each other at the bowling alley yesterday, he’d stormed to the studio. He’d been furious at the idea that she was letting Keenan “use” her, but he’d settled a little on hearing that she and the incubus weren’t simply sleeping together.

She’d also explained that she had bigger worries than if the relationship would crash and burn. To say that Teague hadn’t taken the news of her infection well was something of an understatement.

“Enoch’s got a lot to fucking answer for.” Clenching his fists, he shot Khloé a look full of censure. “I’m not happy that you didn’t mention this until now.”

“I only learned about it recently,” she reminded him. “I didn’t tell you immediately because it wasn’t something I wanted to share over the phone.”

“You could have told me sooner.”

“Keenan and the girls pretty much commandeered my entire day yesterday, wanting to keep my mind occupied on other things. I wanted you and I to be alone when we had this conversation.” Because Teague was a private person; he didn’t like sharing his emotions with outsiders—it made him feel vulnerable—and she knew he’d need the opportunity to vent a little. He’d done plenty of that in the last ten minutes.

He stopped pacing and shoved a hand through his hair. “What’s the plan for how to handle this?”

“In short, we need the help of an angel.” She crossed one leg over the other. “Jolene and Knox are trying to locate one.”

“I don’t personally know any, but I’ll ask around.” Teague flopped onto the chair beside hers. “I hate that there’s nothing else I can do.”

“You and me both.”

“Does no one have any idea where Enoch could be?”

“Not right now, no. He’ll lay very, very low while his body regenerates. The auction I told you about finishes today. With any luck, the blade will be ours. Then we can kill him for real.” Her demon relished the idea.

“Would his death somehow rid you and Ciaran of the infection?”

She felt her nose wrinkle. “I doubt it. I think our best bet is to find an angel.”

Teague rubbed his nape. “How is Ciaran?”

“Physically, he’s still groggy and showing signs of the infection. Emotionally, he’s pissed as all hell and is more worried about me than he is about himself. But that goes both ways.”

“You can’t die, Khlo,” said Teague, his voice rough.

“I’m not going to. Do you really think my grandmother would let that happen?”

“There are some things you can’t control.”

She tucked her hands between her crossed thighs. “Yeah, I know. But I have to believe that this will all work out, Teague. I have to.”

He slid an arm around her and pulled her close. She leaned into him, accepting comfort and giving it. Her demon burrowed into him too, not liking that he was hurting.

The door to the break room slowly swung open, and none other than Keenan breezed inside.


Keenan held himself very still as Khloé sat up with a smile. There was no guilt on her face at having been caught hugging another man, and there shouldn’t be—she’d done nothing wrong. Teague was her anchor; there was nothing sexual between them. Still, jealously and possessiveness churned in Copyright 2016 - 2024