Omens (The Dark in You #6) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,37

of revenge … then something woke me up, and I realized that I wasn’t alone in the house.”

“It sounds as if he can indeed dream-walk, but I can’t say for sure,” replied Jolene.

Well, that wasn’t good. “Can he hurt me through my dreams?”

“No. But he may be able to alter your dreams or drag you into a deeper sleep.”

Khloé felt her brows draw together as she remembered how the air in the dream had thickened and weighed her down. “I think he tried to do that tonight.”

“He most likely hoped to lure you into such a deep sleep that his puppets wouldn’t wake you.”

“Well, it didn’t work.”

“Probably because you’re resistant to most forms of mental manipulation. But he can hurt you in other ways, so be prepared for him. Have you told Teague what’s been going on?”

“Not yet. I was going to wait until he returned from his trip.”

“I’d call him and fill him in, if I were you. There’s a chance he could find out through the demonic grapevine, and then he’d be upset that you kept it from him. Plus, he has a right to know. And you’d want him to contact you if the situation was reversed.”

True, true. “Fine. I’ll call him tomorrow.”

Ciaran planted his feet. “I’ll move in here for a while and stay in one of your spare bedrooms so I can teleport you out of here if anything happens.”

Oh the hell no. She loved her brother, she truly did, but he was a nightmare for her to live with. Mostly because he ate like a horse, never tidied up after himself, “borrowed” her stuff, and thought he could tell her what to do.

“You can teleport to me in the blink of an eye—that means you don’t need to stay here,” Khloé pointed out.

“That would be true if I could trust that you’ll call me for help straight away, but I can’t,” said Ciaran. “You’d rather take him on alone than pull me into a dangerous situation.”

“Yeah, well, you pull the same shit with me.”

“Which is why both of you are going to promise me here and now that you will telepathically call out for help if Enoch attacks,” said Jolene. “Consider it an order.”

Ciaran let out a sigh. “I promise.”

Khloé hesitated, twisting her mouth.

Jolene took a step toward her, her expression grave. “Enoch wouldn’t just kill you, Khloé. He made it very clear that he means to reanimate your corpse and send you after someone you love. Do you really want that?”

Khloé exhaled heavily. No, she didn’t. “I promise I’ll send out a telepathic call for help if Enoch makes another move.”

“Good. Now let’s get you cleaned up.”


Just as the studio’s lunch break began, a hand thumped on Khloé’s desk. Looking up from the appointment book, she found Harper standing there, her expression tight.

The sphinx folded her arms. “Do you know how frustrating it is that passive-aggressiveness goes right over your head?”

Khloé blinked. “Huh?”

“I’ve been glaring at you for hours, and you haven’t once commented on it.”


Devon sighed. “Just ask her what’s wrong, Khloé.”

Putting down her pen, Khloé asked, “What’s wrong?”

“You didn’t call me last night after Enoch sent dead people to your house—that’s what’s wrong,” said Harper.

“You’re still stewing over that? I thought we dealt with this earlier.” Really, there hadn’t seemed a need to disturb all her girls with news of something they could do nothing about. “It’s not like you found out days later. Jolene called you this morning and brought you up to speed. Raini didn’t find out about it until this morning either, since it took a few hours for the news to fully circulate through the lair.”

Khloé was guessing that Harper had shared it with her mate and sentinels, because Keenan earlier telepathically ranted at Khloé for not telling him herself. She’d snickered and then slammed a mental door on him. The guy would never learn.

“That’s not the point,” said Harper. “What happened was some major shit. I should have heard it from you immediately after it happened, not hours later from Grams.”

“She hadn’t given me permission to mention it to anyone outside the lair.”

“But I’m your cousin! Your favorite cousin.”

“You don’t tell me everything that goes on in your lair.” Harper spluttered. “Yeah, well …”

“Stop being a whiny bitch.”


“Raini and Devon got over me not calling them last night.”

“No, they didn’t, which is why they’ve been scowling at you all morning.”

Khloé felt her nose wrinkle. “They have? Really?”

“Oh my God.”

Shrugging one shoulder, Khloé turned to head Copyright 2016 - 2024