Omens (The Dark in You #6) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,28

thought it was possible for a yacht to have a homey feel, but it does.”

Her skin reasonably dry, Khloé pulled the sunscreen from her beach bag. She squirted some lotion onto her hand and then smoothed it over her arms. Her skin prickled—not just from the heat of the sun, but from the weight of Keenan’s gaze. Yeah, she knew he was watching her. She didn’t look his way, though.

She’d deliberately annoyed him throughout their ride on the jet—snapping pictures of him with her cell phone, accidentally-on-purpose spilling her pink gin all over his designer tee, and purposely singing the wrong lyrics to his favorite songs. She didn’t know why the latter bugged him so much, but whatever worked.

Only it hadn’t worked.

He’d snarled. Growled. Cursed. He’d even tried snatching her phone. But he hadn’t reached for the bottle. Or flask.

She’d pointedly ignored him since arriving on the yacht, acting as if he wasn’t there, which always seemed to irritate him just as much as when she poked at him. She’d also noticed that he hadn’t drunk anything but soda so far.

I think we need to step up our game with Don Juan, she told Harper. The sphinx’s eyes flicked to the pool and then cut to Khloé. “Oh, I forgot to ask how your date went.”

Khloé slipped her hand beneath her bikini strap to smear sunscreen on her collarbone and shoulder. “A lady never tells.”

“But you’re no lady, so spill.”

“You did wear your little black dress, right?” asked Raini. “There’s a reason I call it your lucky dress.”

Khloé nodded. “I wore it, and it did indeed bring me luck.”

“I’m kind of bummed the guy didn’t ask me out. He’s hot.” Raini pushed her sunglasses further up the bridge of her nose. “But he obviously goes for the small and insane type.”

Khloé frowned. “I’m not that small.”

“But you are insane.”

“I find it freeing.”

Harper snickered. “I can totally believe that.”

After she was done applying sunscreen to her legs, Khloé looked at Raini. “Could you do my back again?”

“I’ll do it.”

She stiffened, because those words hadn’t come from Raini. They’d come from the person behind her. Keenan.

He was in hell. Being around Khloé while having no right to touch her was hard enough. But seeing droplets of water trickle down her delectable body—droplets he wanted to lap up with his tongue—and watching her smear lotion over her skin … fuck. There was only so much a man could take.

His cock, so full and heavy it ached, was harder than a steel fucking spike. There was no easing it. Not when her wet bikini clung to her body, accentuating her delicate curves and giving him glimpses of what he couldn’t have. He wanted to peel it from her, wanted to touch and taste and maybe even bite.

Still, Keenan might have been able to keep his distance if he hadn’t heard she’d gone on a fucking date. Black jealousy rode him hard, taunting the possessive streak that was like a live wire around Khloé Wallis.

His demon was furious. As far as it was concerned, she was theirs; no other male had the right to touch her. It wanted to hunt down the fucker who’d taken her on a date and deliver a warning that he’d never forget. It wanted to make her understand and admit who she belonged to.

Something primitive in Keenan urged him to put his hands on her and mark her in some sense with his touch—something she might not see but would feel. And so he found himself standing behind her sun lounger, offering to smooth sunscreen onto her back.

She glanced at him over her shoulder but didn’t reply.

He flicked up a taunting brow and waited, knowing she’d respond to the silent dare.

Her eyes narrowed. “All right.” Scooting forward on the lounger, she handed him the bottle. “Just don’t get it in my hair.”

She turned back to Harper, as if whatever he did next would be inconsequential. Yeah? He wasn’t buying it.

Keenan straddled the lounger, bracketing her body with his thighs. He kept just enough distance between their bodies that it wouldn’t be awkward for him to properly apply the sunscreen.

The moment his lotion-covered hands landed on her shoulders, electricity surged through him, as if he’d plugged himself into a socket. He heard her sharp intake of breath and inwardly smiled. This would be no easier for her than it would be for him.

While she carried on an inane conversation with the others, Keenan glided his hands over her, kneading and shaping. Copyright 2016 - 2024