Omens (The Dark in You #6) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,16

“What would it take to permanently kill a Lazarus demon?”

“The flames of hell could destroy them. Nothing is impervious to them.”

Keenan had witnessed their destructive nature for himself. The rumors that Knox possessed the exceedingly rare ability to conjure them was in fact true, which only very few people knew. The Prime kept a lot of secrets, including the dark truth of just what type of demon he was.

“But, unlike you, Khloé can’t call on the flames,” said Keenan. “What can she do to kill him?”

Idly tapping his pen on the papers in front of him, Knox replied, “Steel forged in the pit of hell is fatal to any demon. If she can get her hands on a blade made of such steel, she could certainly kill Enoch. But weapons like that aren’t easy to come by.”

“Where would she find one?”

“The black market would be her best bet,” Larkin cut in. “You can get pretty much anything there. Leave it with me. If there’s such a blade for sale, I’ll find one.”

Keenan gave her a nod of thanks, confident that Larkin would come through for him. He pushed out of his chair. “I’ll let Khloé know about the blade. She’ll no doubt pass the info on to Jolene.”

“All right. But it probably won’t be anything Jolene hasn’t already learned for herself—she has many, many sources.”

Keenan turned and headed for the door just as Knox’s office phone began to ring.

“Yes?” Knox answered. “Gavril, it’s a surprise to hear from you.”

Keenan halted in his tracks. Another US Prime, Gavril was a complete prick who Knox had butted heads with more than once. He was also Thea’s Prime.

Keenan slowly turned just as Knox pressed a button that put the call on speakerphone.

“It has been many years since we last spoke,” said Gavril. “It’s regrettable that our alliance crumbled the way it did.”

Knox leaned back in his chair. “Is it?”

Gavril chuckled. “I suppose you’d think not.”

“What is it you want?”

“I’m sure you remember Thea Whitman well enough.”

Knox’s eyes flicked to Keenan. “I remember.”

“She killed her ex-mate last night.”

Keenan stilled. The fuck?

“Killed her ex-mate?” echoed Knox.

“Killed him and then fled with their son. I have my demons tracking her, of course. It won’t be easy, since she can use glamor to change the appearance of herself and others, but she can’t evade us for long.”

Keenan exchanged a look with Levi. Well, shit.

“It struck me that if she were to seek help or sanctuary from anyone, it would be you, given that you have known her since childhood,” said Gavril. “If not you, she’ll certainly contact your sentinel, Ripley—they were reasonably close at one time, I believe. As incubi are able to see through glamor, he’ll see through her disguise and know if she’s nearby. If he sees or hears anything from her, I would appreciate it if you contacted me. She needs to be brought back to the lair to face punishment for what she’s done. And we don’t want anything happening to her son.”

“I’ll tell Keenan to inform me if she attempts to reach out to him.”

Keenan noted that Knox hadn’t agreed to then pass on such information to Gavril.

“Your aid is appreciated.” Gavril said his goodbyes and rang off.

“So, Thea killed her ex to avenge what he’d done to her.” Levi looked at Keenan. “Think the reason she’s been trying to contact you lately is that she’d hoped to ask you to do it for her?”

“No idea,” replied Keenan. But if so, he’d have turned down said request. He wasn’t a hitman for hire.

“You didn’t tell Gavril she’s been in touch with you,” Larkin said to Knox.

“I wouldn’t do him even a hint of a favor—he’s never cooperated with me in the past.” Knox slid his gaze to Keenan. “When I conveyed your message to Thea yesterday, she wasn’t pleased, to say the least. She seemed desperate to speak with you, but she wouldn’t tell me why.”

“Do you think she’ll contact you?” Larkin asked Keenan.

He considered it for a moment. “Now that she’s on the run, no. She’ll be well-aware that Gavril will expect her to come to us. She’ll want to stay off his radar, and that means not doing what he would expect of her. Her best bet would be to leave the country. If she used glamor, she could wear different faces as she moved from city to city on her way out of the US.”

Larkin gave a slow nod. “I feel sorry for her kid. His world has been Copyright 2016 - 2024