Omens (The Dark in You #6) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,14

for rationality. As far as it was concerned, she should have called them.

The entity hadn’t wanted to leave her last night. It constantly bugged him to seek Khloé out, to take what they both craved, to make her theirs. It considered the whole thing a done deal, and it wanted Keenan to get with the program.

Her bracelets jangled as she lifted her hand and curled stray strands of hair around her ear. The rest of her hair was gathered in a messy bun. Khloé kept her home and workspace freakishly tidy, but you’d never know it to look at her. When it came to her appearance, she was nowhere near as attentive, always combining ill-fitting clothes from different eras.

Her tees often featured quotes or pictures, and her skin-tight jeans were often ripped or bejeweled. Then there were the headbands, random bracelets, and dangly earrings.

Sometimes she wore dark pieces. Other days she was one big pop of color, just as she was right then. She always looked cute and quirky and, some-fucking-how, stylish. He honestly didn’t know how she did it, but he strongly suspected she didn’t work it so well on purpose.

Maybe it was a mistake to have made their little wager, considering it would be utter torture to stop at only feeding from her, but he didn’t intend to back out. If he couldn’t have her, he could at least have one taste of her; he could see her come just once.

His demon wasn’t the most patient of creatures, but it didn’t mind that it would need to wait seven days before taking what it wanted. The anticipation would only heighten the pleasure.

Keenan knew she doubted that he’d win the wager. She was wrong to doubt him. He’d meant what he told her; he wasn’t an alcoholic, and it wasn’t a struggle for him to not overindulge. He had more self-discipline than most. It was only Khloé who’d ever shot that self-discipline to shit.

A female mind touched his. You can stop glaring at my cousin any minute now, said Harper, a smile in her telepathic voice.

He cut his gaze to the sphinx. I’ll stop glaring when she starts taking the issue of her safety more seriously.

Teague will be back from his trip next week. He’ll look out for her.

Keenan fought the urge to snap his teeth. He was not a fan of Khloé’s anchor at all. Not only because Teague tried keeping her away from Keenan, but because … As anchors go, he’s fucking useless. He doesn’t try to keep her out of trouble or watch out for her.

I’ll admit he’s not always the most attentive anchor, but he has saved her from herself a number of times. I think it’s just that, being as crazy as she is, he sees most of her behavior as normal.

“Would the two of you like to share whatever you’re telepathically talking about with the rest of the class?” Devon asked, a playful haughty note to her voice.

The sphinx pursed her lips. “No, not really.”

Devon pouted. “But I wanna know. I’m feeling left out here.”

Khloé drank the last of her smoothie. “Curiosity poisoned the cat, you know.”

Devon frowned. “I thought it killed the cat.”

“Not in my version.”

“Where did you get your version?”

“My Aunt Mildred.”

“You don’t have an Aunt Mildred.”

“You don’t remember her? Brown hair. Pointy nose. Crooked front teeth. Huge mole on her chin. Hazel eye.”

Tanner’s brow creased. “Eye? Not Eyes?”

“She lost the other eye,” Khloé told him. “Snake bite.”

“You do not have an aunt named Mildred,” Devon insisted.

“I do! Seriously, why would I lie about it?”

“No idea. But then, I have no idea why you do half the things you do.”

“And I have no idea how you could forget Mildred.”

Keenan felt his mouth twitch. Even for an imp, she was especially good at fucking with people.

Devon pushed out of her chair. “It’s too early in the day for this shit, Wallis. Let’s just get to work.”

Khloé huffed and stood. “Fine. But I can’t believe you don’t remember Aunt Mildred.”

“Oh my god, stop!”

As they all walked out of the coffeehouse, Keenan telepathically reached out to Khloé. I look forward to collecting on my wager.

Aw, you really think you’ll win it? she asked without sparing him a glance. I can’t help but feel sorry for you.

His mouth twitched. I’ll win. And then I’ll have my taste of you.

She flicked him a look full of pity, and his demon smiled. It liked that she was so over-confident—it would make the win all the sweeter for Copyright 2016 - 2024