Omens (The Dark in You #6) - Suzanne Wright Page 0,12

she hadn’t been clear to anyone on just what he said when he contacted her.

“Do you think he has people subtly watching over you?” Khloé asked.

Raini gave a haughty shrug. “Don’t know, don’t care.”

Yes, she did. Anyone who knew the succubus well could sense that it was getting to her. “Has he said anything to indicate he wants the anchor bond?”

“No. He mostly just telepathically checks-in to see if I’m fine, even though I never answer.” Raini sighed. “He was supposed to get bored and leave me alone.”

Khloé could recall the moment that Maddox and Raini discovered they were anchors; could remember how his shock had quickly been replaced by a dark, proprietary look. “I know from experience that the pull of the anchor bond is seriously strong. He’s probably having a hard time fighting it. Aren’t you?”

Raini looked down into her mug. “My demon keeps pushing me to seek him out; it wants the bond. But I don’t want an anchor I can’t trust, Khloé. Maddox Quentin is not a demon who can be trusted.”

“That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be someone you could trust. Demons are often different with their anchors.”

“I don’t see that it matters much. He’s never claimed to want the bond.”

“He probably doesn’t want it. Tanner said he’s a control freak. A control freak won’t react well to something being completely outside of his control. But that doesn’t mean Maddox won’t eventually lose the fight. And if he does, he’ll come for you. You need to be ready for that.”

It wouldn’t be easy to deal with him. The guy hummed with a dark power that had both intrigued and unnerved Khloé’s demon. “We’ll all be here for you. And we’ll burn his dick with hellfire if he upsets you.”

A weak chuckle bubbled out of Raini. “That should be fun to watch.”

On hearing the bell above the door chime, Khloé looked to see Harper, Tanner, Devon, and Keenan breeze into the coffeehouse. She felt her eyebrows dip. Given that Tanner was Harper’s bodyguard and Devon’s mate, the three often rode to the Underground together. Keenan, however, didn’t usually accompany them unless Asher was present. Today, he wasn’t.

As Keenan’s blue eyes locked on her, remnants of last night’s raw need stirred in her belly. Unbidden, his words whispered into her mind …

I swear to Christ, Khloé, if you mention my cock one more time, I’m going to thrust it inside you and fuck you so hard you’ll be screaming.

Khloé shoved the memory in a mental box and wrapped it in parcel tape. She would not think about it. Or about their wager. Or about their hot little eye-fuck. Nope.

Taking in the hard set of his jaw and the dark glitter in his eyes, it was clear he had a bug up his ass about something. How delightful.

Raini waved a hand at the table. “Morning, people. Your drinks await you. Except for yours, Keenan. Didn’t realize you’d be gracing us with your big, bad presence.”

The newcomers said their hellos as they claimed seats.

His eyes boring into Khloé, Keenan took the chair beside hers, making her hormones do a little cheer. “Were you hurt last night?”

Khloé frowned. “Last night?”

“During that whole clusterfuck with Enoch,” he elaborated.

She looked at her cousin. “I take it Grams told you a little about Enoch and you blabbed to Keenan.” Jolene wouldn’t have told her everything—not now that Harper no longer belonged to their lair. Demons were secretive that way.

Cradling her mug of caramel latte between her hands, Harper replied, “She mentioned it earlier over the phone when I called her. Just hearing about it was disturbing. I can’t imagine how horrible it must have been to actually be there.”

It was a memory that would stick with Khloé, that was for sure.

“Were you hurt?” Keenan repeated, his tone clipped. She’d bet the reason he was so pissed was that he’d heard about the incident second-hand instead of directly from her. He had a habit of poking his big, fat nose into her business. Which baffled her, because it wasn’t like said habit got him anywhere.

“No,” Khloé replied.

His eyes narrowing, he tilted his head. “Why don’t I believe you?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you?”

His lips thinned. “Are you aware that you look like shit?”

“Smooth, Keenan,” mumbled Tanner.

“Well, she does,” said Keenan.

Khloé couldn’t even deny it. Worse, she felt like shit. She was so tired and drained that she could easily nap right there. Her throat felt all scratchy and sore, and her chest still ached from Copyright 2016 - 2024