Omega's Truth - Nora Phoenix Page 0,29

closer to his body. He’d protect them at all costs from whatever was happening here. Hell, he’d die to keep them safe.

Around them, pack members cried out in shock and fear. “The moon,” Sando whispered. “Look at the moon!”

Maz’s mouth dropped open as he took in the sight of the moon, which turned from bright white into red. Blood red. It couldn’t be, and yet he saw it with his own eyes. What the hell was happening? Were they about to witness another miracle? Hope sprang up inside him, but how could he allow it when he knew the reality?

Vieno howled again, and Maz sank to his knees, brought down by a force outside his control. He took Lucan and Sando with him, but they went willingly, bowing low.

An ancient power stirred, whispering to his soul, to his alpha. She was here to bring life, to heal, to bring back what had been lost. Power and pack. Freedom and the everlasting bonds of allegiance to the pack. Mates…and family. He belonged here. They all did. They were called, chosen, rewarded for their loyalty to the True Alpha and the True Omega.

And as he lay with his nose pressed to the grass, Maz knew. He believed with all his heart, even though rationally, it was impossible. Palani would live. What was dead would be brought back to life by the power of the earth, the moon, of Lidon and Vieno, of the pack.

As if to confirm it, Vieno’s howl changed. What had been a lament turned into a song, into praise and celebration, into gratitude and an acknowledgment of a power that no one could ever contain.

“My god…” Lucan whispered, and Maz looked up.

His eyes filled with tears at the most beautiful sight he ever could have imagined in his life: Enar walking toward them, holding Hakon in his arms…with Palani at his side.

“He’s alive!” someone shouted.

Sando’s fingers dug into Maz’s skin. “How is that…? Is he healed?”

“Yeah,” Maz said softly. “Even better. I think he died…and Vieno brought him back somehow, claiming him back from the dead. It makes no sense, especially for me, as a doctor, but I believe that’s exactly what happened.”

“Look at Lidon.” Lucan pointed to the pack alpha, who stood stock-still, his hands trembling at his sides. Then his face broke open in a beaming smile, so wide Maz’s eyes teared up all over again. How much that man loved Palani. With Vieno in wolf form by his side, Lidon waited as Enar and Palani walked up to him.

“Palani…” Lidon sobbed. “My Palani.”

Maz couldn’t look away as the pack alpha was reunited with his mate, the four men and their baby boy hugging and crying and kissing, while the whole pack cheered and laughed through their tears.

“That’s the most beautiful sight I will ever see in my life.” Lucan sighed.

“Yes.” It was all Maz could say.

“It’s amazing,” Sando said, snuggling even closer to Maz.

He smiled. Their little cuddle bug. He was adorable, how he constantly sought their presence now. The last few days, Maz and Lucan had silently communicated how happy they were to have Sando with them. And Maz genuinely was. Sando did complete them, even if he might not realize that truth fully himself. He would. Maz kept repeating what he’d told Lucan before as well. If they loved Sando, and they did, they had to set him free. Maz had patience.

“Maz?” Sando turned onto his side and stroked Maz’s cheek.

“What is it, kitten?”

“Remember when I said that I didn’t get so easily aroused?”

Where was he going with this? “Yeah?”

“I am now.”

Maz grinned. “And what would you like to do about that?”

Sando managed to look sheepish and cute at the same time. “I thought maybe you could do something about it? You and Lucan?”

Lucan moved in behind Sando, kissing his neck. “Do you want us to make you feel good?”

“You always make me feel good. I don’t need sex for that,” Sando said, and Maz’s heart practically exploded with happiness. “But I’d like to have sex again very much, pretty please, and thank you.”


Lucan’s heart was still pounding from that unexpected bombshell when Maz scrambled to his feet, then lifted Sando in his arms. The omega let out a little squeal. Lucan couldn’t blame him. Being carried like that was special. “Let’s go,” Maz said, and Lucan grinned.

The last few days, he hadn’t even been remotely interested in sex, but right now, he felt like he could fuck an entire night without stopping or Copyright 2016 - 2024