Omega's Truth - Nora Phoenix Page 0,26

you for telling me all this.”

“You’re welcome. I’m sorry I didn’t have better news.”

Sando cocked his head. Was it bad news, what Naran had shared? To others maybe, but Sando didn’t see it that way. He’d given Sando the facts, and facts were good. He’d missed crucial information to interpret his grandfather’s behavior, and now that he could fill in the blanks, it made it so much easier to understand. And maybe also a little easier to forgive.

“I think he genuinely meant well,” he said later, when they were back in their room. Lucan was making dinner while Sando and Maz were lounging on the couch, Sando once again spooning against the alpha’s big body. Funny how he already thought of it as his room too. It felt comfortable, safe. Like home.“He wanted to protect me from making the same mistake she had.”

“You’re assuming it was a mistake,” Maz said kindly.

“Wasn’t it? I can’t imagine she got pregnant on purpose.”

“You don’t know that. Biology is powerful, kitten. Who knows what your mother felt and wanted once she’d had her first heat. She may have wanted kids.”

Maz could be right. After all, Sando hadn’t even thought about kids until he’d stopped taking the hormones—even if he hadn’t known it at the time—and had finally started his physical development. Once he’d experienced his first heat, things had changed. Something had stirred deep inside him, a yearning he’d never felt before. He’d connected with his omega, with the part of him his grandfather had denied and wanted to suppress.

“I think I want kids,” he said.

Something clattered in the kitchen, and the noise coincided with Maz’s sharp intake of breath. “You mean sometime in the future, I assume?”

“Well, yeah. I’d want to be a little older…more mature. I still feel like a child most of the time.”

Maz cleared his throat. “Thanks for clarifying that. Also, keep in mind that you’re twenty-five and, as such, very much not a child. If you were, it would make things like this highly inappropriate.”

He pressed his groin against Sando’s ass, and Sando gasped at the hard, erect member his butt came into contact with. “Why are you hard? We haven’t even, like, kissed or anything. We’re just cuddling.”

From the kitchen, Lucan’s snicker drifted in, and behind him, Maz’s chest rumbled with laughter. “My sweet kitten, I don’t need to kiss you to be aroused by you. Sometimes all it takes is seeing you…and, in this case, holding you.”

Sando pushed against Maz’s arms, and the alpha released his grip on him instantly. He turned around so he faced Maz. “Is it bad that I don’t feel that way about you? Or Lucan?”

“No, kitten. First of all, Lucan and I use blockers when we’re in the clinic, and that means that when they wear off, we’re far more easily aroused. And second… If what we suspect about your father dosing you with hormones is true, your body has been out of whack for a long time now. That has its effects on how you respond physically.”

“I love that you always explain things to me,” Sando said. “You give me the facts and allow me to draw my own conclusions, and I like that. You and Lucan both. You never push me or put pressure on me, and I really appreciate that.”

Maz’s smile made his stomach dance, as did the tender way he cupped Sando’s cheek with his right hand. “You’re precious, kitten, and far more vulnerable than you may think. We know all too well that you’re fragile, like a budding flower, and if we push too hard, we’ll crush you.”

Sando crumpled his nose. “Fragile? I’m not sure I like that.”

“Your grandfather kept you sheltered and isolated for most of your life. So much is new for you, like having friends, socializing, having people in your life who treat you like family, being in a relationship…and sex. You need the time and space to figure those things out on your own. It would be easy for us to pressure you into whatever we think is best for you, but over time, you might come to regret that and even resent it, resent us. We want you to choose us willingly, not because you feel like you have no other choice or because we’ve pressured you.”

Joy bloomed inside Sando’s chest. All his life, he’d been restricted in what he could do. Here was his chance at freedom, but it was a safe freedom. He had a safety net, people who would Copyright 2016 - 2024