Omega's Truth - Nora Phoenix Page 0,108

him, launching himself at Maz, who caught him with one hand and held him tight. “God, I missed you, kitten.”

He held open his other arm, and Lucan stepped into his embrace, tears popping up in his eyes for no reason other than that he was so damn tired and happy and exhausted and ecstatic. Maz kissed Sando. Not a brief, polite kiss but a fierce one, a deep one, with tongue and moans and Sando starting to rut against him.

“You smell like horses.” Lucan sniffled Maz.

Maz laughed, gently putting Sando down. “I do. I was gifted a horse, a beautiful full-blood Arabian, and I rode her here.”

“You rode a horse from the city to here,” Lucan said.

Maz nodded.

“And how long had it been since you rode?”

“Couple of years.”

Lucan grinned. “Your ass is gonna hurt tomorrow.”

Maz didn’t miss a beat. “So is yours,” he quipped, slapping Lucan’s butt.

“And mine?” Sando looked all kinds of adorably eager.

Lucan’s heart fluttered. “Did you miss us, kitten?”

Sando rubbed himself against Lucan. “I was so lonely… I know it was for a good cause and it was only seven days and it wasn’t the end of the world, but I felt so alone. Even though I hung out with Lev and Naran all the time, it made me sad you guys weren’t here. It made me realize even more how much I love you and that we belong together.”

Lucan kissed his forehead. “I know, kitten. I cried two days ago because I missed you so much. Ask Maz.”

Sando’s eyes widened. “You did?”

“I think Maz’s eyes got a little moist as well.”

Incredulous, Sando turned to Maz, but the alpha nodded. “Don’t ever doubt how much I love you, kitten. And I promise you right here and now that you’ll never be alone that long again. I mean it. This was too long, and we’re not doing this ever again.”

“That sounds really, really, really good to me,” Sando mumbled with his face buried against Maz’s chest.

And then Lucan took another shower because Maz smelled like horses but also like the camp, and neither scent was particularly sexy. They could’ve let him shower alone, but they didn’t want to let go of Maz. They squeezed into the shower cubicle, which was barely big enough for the three of them, though it made staying warm easy.

“Alpha…” Sando sighed, and he sank to his knees, right under the water beam, and took Maz’s cock into his mouth. He wasn’t even sucking, not actively trying to get him off, but just tasting him, holding him, as if he needed to have something of Maz inside him. It made Lucan go weak inside to see Sando give in to his omega nature.

“Oh, kitten,” Maz groaned, and his muscles tensed. His hands found Sando’s head, and he laced his fingers through his hair. “That feels so good… Your sweet mouth.”

Lucan smiled as he squeezed some shower gel onto a washcloth. He started with Maz’s chest, the alpha’s eyes drilling into his as he washed him with rough strokes, making his skin all red. Maz had done it every day that week, scrubbing himself as if he wanted to rub off the horror at the same time. Maz leaned in, and Lucan kissed him, just a kiss that he knew, that he understood. They were tired, so tired, but Sando needed them, and they needed him.

And so Lucan washed him, and then he turned off the shower, and he dried them, Sando first, then Maz, then himself. Maz carried Sando to their bed, and Lucan turned off the light before joining them. The last bit of daylight spilled in through the windows, but it was okay. They were home. Together.

Sando clung to them, wordlessly begging, and Maz filled him first. He went slow, making love to their sweet kitten as he lay facedown on top of Lucan. Maz was careful not to put his weight on them as he took his time with tender, deep strokes, kissing Sando’s neck, his ears, his shoulders. Hot tears rolled out of Sando’s eyes onto Lucan’s chest, but he understood. This week had been rough for all of them, and Sando needed to let it out.

Maz’s orgasm was gentle as if his body was too tired to put too much effort into it, and Lucan knew how he felt. He was hard himself, but he wasn’t even that interested in coming. He just wanted to be near his men, to be connected. Maz lay down next to them, and Copyright 2016 - 2024