Omega's Truth - Nora Phoenix Page 0,106

the hospital.”

Maz stretched his head sideways, then the other way. The pop was not only satisfying but released some tension as well. “Any more papers I need to sign?”

“According to Lucan, no. But to be honest, I don’t think paperwork is the biggest focus right now.”

“True, but with that one omega who had an allergy to antibiotics, we’d better staple a warning to his forehead.”

“God, yes. That was a close call.”

Enar stretched as well, his scrubs creeping up, revealing his pale belly. He looked dead tired. Maz knew it was hard for his friend to be himself among so many strangers. Constantly being seen and addressed as an alpha messed with his head. He’d sent Enar to the boarding school yesterday to spend the night with Lidon and Palani, knowing that if he didn’t, he’d snap.

“Have you heard from that pediatrician?” Maz asked.

“Yes! I completely forgot to tell you, sorry. He says he wants to do a few shifts in the clinic next week as a trial and meet Rhene and Sivney.”

“Oh, awesome. I’m sorry, what was his name again?”

“Quico. He was an intern in the same hospital where I did my internships. He’s a good guy.”

“I’d be ecstatic if he joined the clinic. We really need him.”

“Yeah, I know. I’ve been looking for a while, but it wasn’t easy with everything that was going on. I hope he hits it off with Rhene.”

Maz grinned. “He’s an alpha, right?”

Enar rolled his eyes. “He’s as alpha as they come. As strong-willed as the Hightowers.”

Maz rubbed his hands. That could be fun, he and Rhene.”

Enar just laughed. “The curse of being in love… You want everyone else to be in love as well.”

Maz shrugged. “Not the worst thing in the world to wanna see others happy, right? I’d say that after all this, we deserve some happiness.”

Enar sobered. “We sure do.”

Maz scanned the makeshift patient room. “Did we pack up all the remaining supplies?”

“Everything was sent with the last patient to the hospital. There’s nothing left here.”

Maz blew out a slow breath. “It’s time to go home, then.”

Enar nodded. “I can’t wait. I miss Vieno so much.”

“I know the feeling. Lucan cried yesterday after we talked to Sando. It’s been too long… Our hearts ache for him. He left for the ranch an hour ago.”

“Lidon has his last meeting right now, so we’re good to go.”

“How are he and Palani holding up? Things haven’t been easy for us, but their job isn’t a walk in the park either.”

“It’s been slow going, but they’re happy with the progress. Power is back up in the whole city, and so is cell coverage. The media are covering the news again. I think Palani said five more shipments of foods and medical supplies are coming in, so the situation is looking up.”

“Forgive me for interrupting.” A beta stood in the doorway.

“Can we help you?” Maz asked.

“Yes, please. I’m looking for Dr. Ahadi.”

Maz hesitated for a moment. The man looked innocent enough, and if not, he had Enar right with him. “I’m Dr. Ahadi. What can I do for you?”

The beta stepped a little closer, then bowed. “My name is Ferdi. You treated my omega, Dr. Ahadi. His name is Akron, and you operated on him after he had a miscarriage.”

Maz remembered him instantly. The meds they’d given him had caused him to miscarry, and he’d almost bled out as a result. He’d been so scared. Maz had kept talking to him during the procedure, making endless small talk to keep him calm. They’d talked about horses. Akron had said he lived on a farm outside the city with his husband.

“I remember him. He’s a fighter. I hope he’s recovering well?”

“You saved his life. If not for you, he would’ve bled to death.”

Ferdi’s voice broke, and Maz gave him a soft smile. It made him happy to see the genuine love and care this beta had for his partner. “I was grateful we were in time. I hope he’ll make a full recovery.”

“I have a gift for you. To thank you.”

“That’s not necessary. Please, it was my privilege.”

The beta shook his head. “No, Dr. Ahadi. Akron asked me to give this to you. He said you’d appreciate this.”

“Okay,” Maz said slowly.

Ferdi gestured. “Please, follow me outside.”

“I’ll come with you,” Enar whispered, and that gave Maz the reassurance to follow the beta outside, where he walked to the back of the barracks. A beautiful black horse was tied to the fence, her legs dancing with impatience, a scared Copyright 2016 - 2024