Omega's Truth - Nora Phoenix Page 0,104

worried Lars would snap at him like he usually did, but the beta squared his shoulders, then said, “Okay, thanks.”

He hurried off, and when he came back two minutes later, he’d even changed his shirt and tidied his hair.

“Do you want to bring Kateb?” Vieno asked. “If not, I’ll be happy to watch him.”

“No, I’ll bring him. He’s their grandson.”

“I’ll hold him.” Lars lifted the baby from his playpen. “Hey, buddy. How was your day today? Did you have fun with Jax and Hakon, hmm?”

Sven smiled at the tender way Lars held Kateb. He was a different man with him, so much calmer and gentler. Or maybe he’d changed overall. God knew that Grayson had been a wonderful influence on him, helping him settle and grow more stable.

“I’m sorry my dad isn’t here to meet them,” Bray said. “I know he’d want to be here if he could.”

On impulse, Sven hugged him. “Thank you, Bray. That means a lot to me.”

Bray hesitated, then hugged him back. He didn’t say anything, but when Sven let go, Bray smiled.

Sven’s heart beat fast as he walked outside, Lars by his side. A woman rose from her chair, her hands covering her mouth. Sven walked up to her, and they stared at each other. It was as if he was looking into his own eyes. His stomach fluttered as if a kaleidoscope of butterflies took flight. What did he say? Did he call her mom? Or would that be too weird, too forward?

“My baby.” She broke out in tears as she held her arms wide open.

Sven stepped into her embrace without hesitation, and when her soft arms came around him, he, too, started crying. “Mom…”

He clung to her. She smelled so familiar as if she’d held him before. She smelled like home, like love. She caressed his hair, his back, whispering sweet words to him the way he did to Kateb. When they finally let go of each other, both their eyes were red and swollen.

“I never thought I’d ever see you again.” She laid a hand against his cheek.

A tall man stepped next to her, and Sven had to tilt his head to meet his eyes. “Sven, I’m Gavin McCain, your…your father.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” Sven sensed the man needed more time. He extended his hand, and Gavin grabbed it.

“Likewise. I’m… You have to understand I didn’t know about you till a few months ago, so it’s not been easy for me to accept that all this time I had a son who I never got to know.”

Gavin flicked his gaze to his wife. It was clear they had some unresolved tension between them. “I understand, sir, and I’m sorry for the circumstances.”

“Look, can I be honest with you?”

Sven nodded.

“I’m still grieving Colton and Adam, and the idea that you would replace them is… I’m not ready for that.”

“I can’t ever replace them, and I don’t want to.” Sven was quick to reassure him. “I can’t even imagine how deeply you must be hurting to lose them both. I’ve heard a little about them, and they both sounded like wonderful, kind men.”

Gavin’s mouth twitched in a smile. “They were. Very sweet and softhearted, much like their mom.”

“All I’m asking for is a chance to get to know you if that’s what you want, and for you to get to know me…and your grandson.”

He hadn’t put that part in his letter, and their eyes went wide. He gestured Lars, who had stayed at a distance, to come closer, and he took Kateb from him. “This is my mate Lars and my son, Kateb.”

“Gavin…” His mother clutched her husband’s arm. “We have a grandchild. Can I hold him?”

Sven didn’t even hesitate but held out Kateb to her. She cradled him in her arms, her eyes filling up all over again. “He’s beautiful.”

Sven beamed. “He’s the sweetest, easiest baby ever.”

“Abby, come look.” Then he and Lars were surrounded by McCains. Sven met his two aunts, Abby and Rosalind, and his cousins, Matthew and Michael.

“I’m so glad you reached out to us,” Gavin said a little later as they’d all found seats. Vieno had brought them refreshments and lemon cookies, and Kateb was peacefully sleeping in the arms of his grandmother, who gazed down at him as if she’d never let him go.

“Sven,” his mother said, “did…did you have nice adoptive parents?”

How did he handle this one? Lars nodded at him that it was his call. Should he tell them the truth and risk Copyright 2016 - 2024