Omega In The Office - Aria Grace Page 0,6

on. Clutching the arms of my chair in a white-knuckled grip, I force myself to remain in the present. I need to keep moving forward.

Where was I before that little walk down memory lane? Right, I was critiquing the apartment.

Lots of natural light. The carpet looks soft, though I haven’t actually felt it myself. It’s kinda hard to when you’re stuck in a chair and you’ve got no feeling below your thighs.

The rails they installed beside the bed and in the bathroom were a nice touch. When I asked about wheelchair access, all I really wanted to know was whether or not my chair would fit through the door. Sometimes they don’t.

So far, this place is perfect.

I head outside, locking the front door behind me. Time to find out if the location is really as ideal as it looked on Google Maps.

“Good morning, Candor.” An unexpected voice catches me off guard.

I stop short and my smile grows. It’s Leon. “Good morning.” He’s just as cute as he was the first day we met. Fresh faced, with a baby-blue button-down shirt that matches his eyes. It’s like he stepped right out of my dreams. But, trapped in this chair the way I am, I’ve lost all confidence in my flirting skills.

“How are you settling in?” Leon asks as he approaches me. He’s got a clipboard in his arms and there’s dirt on his shoes. He must have been out consulting with the landscapers again. “I hope the apartment is to your liking.”

“It’s great, actually.” I used to be an amazing conversationalist. Charismatic, charming, witty, the sort of person who could put anyone at ease.

Not anymore though.

“ don’t have any complaints.” My gaze meets his, and my heart skips a beat. The warmth in his eyes makes me feel like I’m the only person in the world.

“I’m really happy to hear that,” Leon says before glancing out across the courtyard. The freshly seeded lawn is just starting to grow in. There are signs plastered every few feet to warn people not to walk across the lawn. “I hope the construction noises aren’t disturbing you too much.”

I follow his gaze toward the Eastern building.

Scaffolding has been erected around the exterior and builders are working hard on various projects. From what I understand, all three buildings had been in an abysmal state when Leon and his brother bought the place. And if my apartment is anything to go by, they’ve done a pretty good job of fixing things up.

“No, it’s fine. They don’t bother me.” Internally, I’m screaming at myself to say something interesting to keep the conversation alive. I’m not exactly swimming in social options at the moment.

Thankfully, Leon’s a little better at this than me. “Are you going out? Or maybe just soaking up some sunshine?” He grins and tilts his head skyward as if the sunshine and clear skies are his energy source.

What I wouldn’t give to have that smile directed toward me.

I’m almost willing to take the risk. I could unleash my inner flirt for someone like Leon, couldn’t I?

Apparently not.

“Oh, um, yeah. I’m just going for a walk...or, well...” How am I this bad at talking? “I thought I’d explore the neighborhood a bit. That’s all.” And why am I lying?

Leon nods, his smile still bright. If he’s at all bothered by my awkwardness, he isn’t showing it.

“I hope you enjoy your exploration. I’m heading back to my office.” Leon glances down at his clipboard again before he lifts his eyes and peers at me through long lashes. “My door is always open for you.”

My heart clenches, and my cock twitches in response. Is he hitting on me?

Before I can say anything else, Leon winks and walks away. His hips sway ever so slightly, letting his skinny jeans and tight ass do all the talking.

I don’t even realize I’m holding my breath until he disappears into his office at the end of the row of apartments. When I exhale, blood rushes past my ears, and my heartbeat drowns out the sounds of the world around me.

It’s been a long time since an omega has had such a profound effect on me. Even before my accident, it was rare that anyone could get me this worked up so quickly.

Leon had it done in record time.

I swallow a lump in my throat as I become aware of the growing erection in my lap. I’m not really able to hide it, and it’s not going away on its own. Not without giving Copyright 2016 - 2024