Omega In The Office - Aria Grace Page 0,45

play, that had them on stage at different times, maybe we could’ve avoided the five-minute interruption that’s got half of the parents in the audience complaining to one another.

“Whose children are those?”

“So badly behaved.”

“They’re ruining the whole thing.”

“Their parents should be ashamed.”

Lucius bristles and turns in his seat to the particularly spiteful couple sitting behind us.

“Those are my sons,” he says with a low growl in his voice. “And I could never be ashamed of them. They’re not badly behaved, they’re bored with this joke of a play. Let’s be perfectly honest here, there wasn’t much to ruin.”

As if to emphasize his point, Theo and Thor rip off the cloud costumes that they’d been none too happy about wearing. It might have been better if they hadn’t insisted on wearing their superhero pajamas underneath, but it was the only way to get them to cooperate.

Meanwhile, Lucius hasn’t backed down from his confrontation with the couple behind us. The other alpha squares his shoulders and for a moment it looks like there might be an altercation.

“He’s right you know,” someone else pipes up. “This play isn’t exactly Shakespeare. When they said ‘school play’ I was expecting at least some sort of story. I asked my kid what the play is about and she doesn’t even know.”

“I’m actually kind of upset about the whole thing,” another parent adds. “The kids look miserable up there in those ridiculous costumes. No one is enjoying this.”

“So you see,” Lucius continues, “my boys have the right idea.” He turns slowly back around and rises from his chair.

Looks like he’s decided to take things into his own hands again. Leon quickly springs from his seat and grabs the handles of my chair, so I can keep recording as we chase after our alpha.

“Theo, Thor,” Lucius calls to them as he reaches the stage.

“Daddy!” They shout, dodging their teacher for the umpteenth time, before darting toward Lucius.

“Let’s go home,” Lucius says, holding his arms up to them. They dive forward in unison, throwing their arms around his neck as Lucius catches them safely.

“Did you see us, Daddy?” Theo asks with a grin. “We were thunder clouds!”

“We blew everyone away,” Thor adds.

“You certainly did,” Lucius says with a happy wink. “What do you say we go get some ice cream to celebrate?”

They squeal with delight as he turns to face Leon and me.

“Did you hear, Daddy?” Theo asks me, “We’re getting ice cream.”

“I heard.” I’m so glad I decided to record this. It wasn’t exactly the video I thought I was going to get, but this is arguably better. A memory that I think I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.

“How do you have so much energy?” Leon asks, tickling Thor as he walks up to Lucius. “You’re making me go gray already!”

“You’re not gray, papa,” Thor says with a giggle.

The five of us slowly withdraw from the stage. The eyes of dozens of parents watching us with surprise and confusion. I’m sure we paint an odd picture. Incomprehensible to some, no doubt. Others decide to follow our lead. Parents rise from their seats to rescue their children from the torturous costumes they’ve been made to wear, and the awful dialog they’ve had to recite.

By the time we reach the doors of the gymnasium, there’s a stream of parents and their children following after us.

“Looks like we’re trendsetters,” Leon chuckles as we push the doors out into the light of day.

“Rebels, more like it.” I laugh.

Lucius sets the boys down on the sidewalk outside the doors. They take his hands without complaint and walk happily beside him the rest of the way to the car.

“I’m starting to think homeschooling might be more effective,” Leon comments as he helps Lucius buckle them into their booster seats. “At the very least we could avoid more plays.”

“I don’t know,” Lucius grins, as he straightens. “I enjoyed myself.”

I turn off my phone and tuck it in my pocket. “The boys look like they had fun too,” I add. “Didn’t you?”

“Yeah!” They shout together.

“Now we get ice cream!” Thor bellows.

“I want eight ice creams,” Theo says, holding up six fingers.

“Because more sugar is a great idea,” Leon says with a sarcastic laugh as he climbs into the back seat between them.

Lucius winks at him. “More sugar is always a good idea, my sweet.”

I smile softly as Lucius closes the car door. “Well then, Candor. Shall we?”

Honestly, this is not how I pictured my life unfolding...but I wouldn’t change a thing. “We shall.”

Also by Aria Grace

Read about more fun and sexy times at Glass Bay Apartments in my next series.

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