Omega In The Office - Aria Grace Page 0,36

probably wouldn’t have been able to focus on the words.

My fingers drum along the steering wheel and my leg bounces with nervous energy. This is almost worse than being in the waiting room. I hate it. I never want to feel this way again.

And yet, this is just the first ultrasound appointment. Not to mention all the other appointments Candor will be able to attend as Leon’s sole alpha.

I clench my jaw.

There’s nothing I can do it. I can’t even lie and pretend I’m just Leon’s mate because we look so much alike. Even with the differences between alphas and omegas, we’re still twins. No one would believe we were just mates.

At least he’s not alone.

I’m not sure how long I sit there and let my thoughts run wild before I see my guys come out of the doctor’s office.

They’re both smiling. That’s a good sign, I guess. Better than the alternative for sure.

I climb out of the car and wave as they approach.

“It got a little too crowded for me in there,” I explain before they can say anything. “How did it go?”

Leon winks as he hands me a picture from the ultrasound. “It went better than expected,” he says. “What do you see there?”

“I’m not really sure what I’m looking at.” I squint a little as I look at the image.

There’s nothing there that looks at all like a baby.

“There,” Leon says, pointing at a small spot that looks like nothing in particular. “That’s the first one.”

“First?” I snap my head up to look at him.

“There’s the second,” he continues, pointing to another spot on the image.

“Are you serious?” I look from Leon to Candor. Any second now, one of them is going to tell me it’s all just a joke. I just know it. They have to.

“We’re having twins,” Candor says as if reading my expression. “I thought the ultrasound tech was joking at first too, but no. It’s true.”

Leon gives me a little smile. “Come on, say something.”

I’m speechless.

Everything’s catching up with me all at once. I want to throw my arms around them both and kiss them until I can’t breathe. I shake my head slowly, trying to get a handle on my emotions.

“Let’s go home,” I manage at last. “I need to get you both somewhere so we can celebrate properly.”



I can’t help but feel guilty as we cross the courtyard toward the apartment.

Lucius was silent the entire way home.

Being forced to wait outside during the ultrasound must’ve been hell. I know I wouldn’t have been able to handle it if our situations were reversed. Then, he hadn’t even let himself hug us in the parking lot.

It’s a difficult thing we’re doing. Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if we’re crazy for even trying. But then, I feel the tug in my heart. That constant sensation of being connected to Leon and Lucius. We were drawn together by fate, and nothing can separate us now.

We would be crazy to try to ignore the things we feel for one another now.

But most people don’t believe in fated mates. It’s not the sort of thing you can really explain to someone who’s never felt it for themselves. It can’t be measured by science or tests. The only proof is anecdotal.

I had my parents telling me about it my whole life, and I still didn’t believe any of it was true until I met Lucius and Leon.

Lucius pushes open the front door of the apartment and enters wordlessly. I wish I knew what to say to make things better. Then again, I doubt there’s anything that would take away the sting of being forced to hide his relationship with Leon and me.

As soon as we’re all safely inside, Lucius locks the front door behind us. The blinds are still closed from when we left this morning, so we’re hidden, safely sequestered from the rest of the world.

“Do you have any idea how badly I’ve wanted to kiss both of you?” Lucius asks as he swoops toward me. His arms slide around my shoulders and his lips find mine. “It’s been absolute torture.” He pulls back from the kiss and turns in search of Leon. “In the parking lot, all I wanted to do was smother you both in kisses.”

He pulls Leon into his arms and kisses him repeatedly. “You were so worried you wouldn’t even get pregnant, and now you’ve got twins in there.” Lucius grins as he nuzzles Leon’s neck. “Our little omega is pregnant with Copyright 2016 - 2024