Omega In The Office - Aria Grace Page 0,34

we’re supposed to do. The stuff I did back then, working at Omega for Hire, I did it because I wanted to. You keep saying you wanted to save me, but you’ve always been looking at it like I was some sort of victim. I’m not like those omegas we saw when we were kids. No one forced me into anything. I wasn’t taken advantage of. I chose to work at OFH. That was my way of contributing to our future.”

“And now, I want to help contribute to that future too,” Candor says as he and I exchange an understanding look. “We’re all working toward the same goal, Lucius. You’re not the sole provider in this relationship. We’re all equally responsible for what happens next. Aren’t we?”

“Yeah.” Lucius coughs out the emotion in his throat. “I’m sorry I’ve been such an asshole.”

“You’re not an asshole.” I quickly move around the table to give him a hug. “You just need to stop assuming you’re the only one capable of doing anything.”

Lucius turns fully back to the table as soon as I withdraw. “Then I guess we need to discuss what the three of us are going to do next,” he says. “Since you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you, Candor, is there anything we can do to make it go more quickly?”

Candor beams, clearly thrilled with his new role. “I’m going to need pictures of the different units. Nice pictures too, with good lighting. I’ll need exterior shots, especially of the front sign and the garden beds. The pictures that are already on the listings are a decent start, but there’s not enough of them.”

“Leon took those,” Lucius says, nodding toward me. “He’s pretty good with a camera.”

I force a smile as I lean against the wall nearby. The sick feeling in my stomach hasn’t fully gone away. In fact, I think it’s worse now than it was.

My skin feels a bit flushed too.

“Great,” Candor continues. “I’ll need floor plans of all the different units. I know you’ve got one bedroom and two bedroom apartments. I think you said you had a few three bedrooms too, but I don’t remember.”

“There’s only two of those,” Lucius says. “I’ve got the floor plans from the architect when we were planning the renovations. We were able to stick to those pretty closely so they should be accurate.”

“Perfect.” Candor makes some notes on his phone.

My stomach rolls, and I’m hit with a wave of nausea that nearly knocks me off my feet. If I hadn’t already been bracing myself, I might’ve thrown up right there.

“Leon?” Lucius notices my expression. His concern is plain, and Candor quickly turns to look at me.

“You look a little pale.” Candor reaches for me. “Come sit down.”

“I’ll get you something to drink.” Lucius half rises from his chair.

Their concern is touching, but I can’t take the time to appreciate it. My feet are moving before my brain has fully engaged. It’s a race, stumbling through the dining room, to try and reach the bathroom on time.

My alphas are yelling something behind me as I move. I can’t make it out. There’s only one thought in my head right now and that’s “Please, don’t puke on the floor.”



I sit in the waiting room with my hands folded.

I hate this.

I hate it so much.

I know I said I’d be okay with it. I told them both not to worry about me, and I meant it.

I still do, really. But I can be okay with something and still hate it.

Still, I should’ve stayed in the car. Looking around the waiting room, I’m surrounded by loving couples. Alphas and omegas or omegas with a parent or close friend. There are pregnant bellies of all shapes and sizes and some babies of varying ages too.

A single alpha, sitting alone, stands out like a sore thumb. But it would’ve been even weirder for me to go back with them. We couldn’t risk trying to explain our situation to the doctors.

I stare at my phone and flip through various apps, but I’m not really paying attention to what's on the screen. My gaze keeps flicking to the clock, trying to figure out how long I’ve been waiting and how much time is left. It feels like it’s been six hours at least.

My phone says it’s only been ten minutes.

I’m an absolute mess, and I really don’t know what to do with myself.

If I’m this bad now, then how am I going to be in a Copyright 2016 - 2024