Omega In The Office - Aria Grace Page 0,28

a small room until his heat was over. I’d sneak out of my room to go find him at night...and that’s how I found out the truth about the stables. As soon as they let Leon out, we made our escape. I wasn’t going to doom my brother to that fate.

“Anyway, we managed to take care of ourselves. We found work, scraped together some money, got off the streets, and you know the rest,” I say, trying to wrap things up as tidily as possible. I don’t bring up the part about how, despite everything we went through, Leon still chose to work as an escort.

After the fate he narrowly escaped, I still can’t completely understand his reasoning either.

“I knew you guys had a rough life before, but I never...” Candor clenches the arms of his chair in a white knuckled grip.

“We survived, we moved forward, and we’re stronger now,” I assure him. “We’re lucky, really. Things could’ve been a lot worse.”

Candor shifts his gaze and clears his throat. “So...what does this have to do with meeting my parents?”

“Right, I guess I didn’t explain completely...” I force myself to chuckle, but there’s no amusement in it. “It’s not anything against your parents in particular. We’ve just...never been part of a family. Every family we’ve ever tried to join has either rejected us or turned out to be something different than what we thought.”

Candor opens his mouth to speak but I hold up my hand to stop him.

“Being asked to meet your parents just brings all that back up. Going before them, meeting them, looking for their approval. Will they like us? Will they accept us? Hoping that we say the right things and do the right things.” I rise from my chair and stretch my arms over my head. Sitting in one spot for so long has made my legs numb.

“Aren’t we a family?” Candor asks, his voice so meek it catches me off guard.

I flinch and nearly stumble.

“Because I think of you both as family,” he continues. “You, Lucius, are my alpha. And Leon is my omega. You’re as much a part of my family as my parents are.”

Leon slinks out of the kitchen and passes me to kneel beside Candor’s chair. “Of course we’re a family,” he says before kissing the other alpha’s hands. “You’re both my alphas. There has never been any question in my mind about my feelings for you. The day we spent in the office, you made it clear how you felt about us. The only anxiety I’ve ever had was about whether or not you both would consent to being with me.”

“We’re not saying we don’t want to meet your parents,” I add as I kneel on the other side of Candor’s chair. “We’re just letting you know that the whole thing just freaks us out a little.”

“It would kill me if they decided we weren’t worthy of you...” Leon says as he sinks back on his heels. “And the whole triad thing...what do we tell them about that? Or do we not?” He looks at me with guilt in his eyes.

Candor grins as he looks down at us. “First of all, my parents are going to love both of you. They’re some of the coolest people I know. I honestly regret moving away for work because I missed out on spending so much time with them. As for the triad situation...” His voice trails off as if considering how best to word his thoughts. “They used to tell me stories about fated mates. How there was an alpha for every omega, and that when you meet your fated mate, you know it in your heart.”

I tilt my head a little. “I guess we missed out on those stories when we were growing up.”

“Well, my parents seem to believe them. They said that once you found your fated mate, you’d do anything to be with them.” Candor looks at us both with love shining in his eyes.

“I’m pretty sure Farron said he and his mates were fated,” Leon says with a contemplative frown. “I used to think he was just being romantic.”

“So your parents are going to just accept it when you say we’re all three fated mates?” I’m not exactly convinced.

“They said they can tell.” Candor shrugs his shoulders and chuckles. “We used to argue about it. I’d bring an omega home to meet them and they’d say, ‘he seems nice, but he’s not your fated.’ I used to get so annoyed Copyright 2016 - 2024