Omega In The Office - Aria Grace Page 0,13

quit. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to hear you say those words, Lee. But, like you said, we’re twins. I know when you’re keeping something from me. Being with me like this...I know you want it, but I can see the doubt in your eyes.”

He opens his mouth to protest, but I silence him with a gesture.

“Please, let me finish.” My voice is surprisingly calm despite the agony in my heart. “I don’t know what you’re hiding, and I’m not going to force you to tell me. I love you, Leon. I always will. I’ve put everything on the line, you know exactly where I stand. Now you need to figure out what it is that you want. What you really want.”

He sits motionless as I begin to walk toward the hallway.

With every step, I imagine him calling out to me, begging me to stop. I can almost hear him telling me all about someone he used to date while I was away. Someone who was special...but not as special as me. I imagine his doubt, his confusion, is resolved.

But that’s all just fantasy.

It’s not our reality.



“Remember folks, we’re in for a crazy thunderstorm tonight as that cold front rolls in from the coast. Heavy rain and wind with powerful gusts are sure to accompany, so you’re gonna wanna get inside and stay there. If you do have to go out, keep an eye out for flying debris and tree branches knocked loose by the wind.” The weather forecast buzzes over the radio as I look up from the letter in my hands.

I’ve read it three times, and it still hasn’t sunk in.

“There’s no way in hell they’re actually doing this to me.” I pound the armrest of my chair before crumbling the letter in my fist. “After all the shit they’ve put me through...” I chuck it across the living room with all the strength I can muster.

My vision blurs as rage seethes in my chest. I’m not done yet. Far from it.

I just need to call my lawyer. But time is not on my side today.

Gritting my teeth, I look up at the clock on the wall. I’m already running late. I’m supposed to visit my parents at the nursing home so we can have dinner together. It takes me twenty minutes to get there from here, and with the rain, it’ll probably be longer than that.

My mistake was checking the mail before leaving. That letter has thrown off my whole day.

It’s been two weeks since the incident with the bounced check. I fulfilled my promise to Leon, and there’ve been no new problems. Well, other than the letter, that is.

I have gotten a little bit bolder about talking to Leon. I like to think we’ve struck up something of a friendship now. Every morning, I go out for some fresh air and meet him by the mailboxes. We talk for a few minutes, I get my mail, and then I hurry home to deal with the massive erection that’s always threatening to give away my secret attraction to him.

How pathetic am I?

I really don’t want to be thinking about Leon’s tight, round ass while I’m visiting my parents.

Armed with a raincoat, I leave the shelter of my home.

It’s darker than it should be for the middle of the day. The sky is a mass of boiling gray clouds. Rain pelts the earth as the wind threatens to tear the hood from my coat. This might not be the best idea.

Still, I’m nothing if not determined, and I refuse to let a little weather stop me.

Cold bites at my fingers every time I pull at the wheels of my chair. My hands are red and cheeks are flushed by the time I reach the office. And as I turn the corner toward the parking lot, the first flash of lightning arcs across the sky. A roar of thunder follows immediately after.

It’s a helluva lot closer than I was expecting.

Reconsidering my journey, I glance back toward my apartment. I haven’t even gotten to the parking lot, and I’m already soaked. Even my determination is not enough to diminish my growing concerns about the safety of this venture.

A second flash of lightning halts me in my tracks. As the thunder peels across the sky, I catch sight of a figure sprinting across the courtyard toward me. My heart jumps.

“Where are you going?” Leon gasps as he reaches my side, clutching the arm of my chair as if Copyright 2016 - 2024