Omega The Girl in the Box - By Robert J. Crane Page 0,21

go dark for that long, though, so I think we can assume that the phone is probably disposed of.”

I stared at the map on the tablet computer. “So that’s a dead end unless the phone goes active again. What about the other number?”

J.J. broke into a little smile. “That one is a landline for a house in Des Moines, Iowa.”

“Iowa,” Parks said as though it were some sort of curse. “I hate Iowa.”

“Why?” I asked, and caught a flash of the wolf on Parks’ face when he came around to answer.

“Because between it and the damned Dakotas, there ain’t a more boring place to drive in the entire United States.” He bared his teeth again in a scowl. “I’ll get M-Squad together, though, and we’ll—”

“No,” Ariadne said. “I want you to remain here with Bastian and Eve.” She let her eyes flick to me. “This seems like another good opportunity to test our new team in the field.”

“What do you think this is?” I asked. “An Omega safe house?”

“Based on anomalies in the property records, yeah,” J.J. replied. “It’s registered to a Peter and Sophia Larson, but the names and social security numbers in the property tax rolls don’t match any employment records, birth records, et cetera, that are legitimately alive anywhere. No employment history? No social security work or payment history for either?” The geek raised a hand as though he were offering an open palm. “Not likely to be a real person. No bank records, either, so who knows how they’re paying the property taxes and gas bill.”

“So I take my team, we reconnoiter the house, and if it seems suspicious, we break and enter?” I gave Ariadne the eye, waiting for her approval.

“Yes,” she replied. “But take Clary with you.”

I felt the enthusiasm for what I was about to do wither and die in a half a heartbeat. “Please, no. Can I have Bastian instead?”

“Bastian is M-Squad’s leader,” she said, as though patiently explaining why I was wrong. I looked at Parks and cocked my head to indicate him. “Parks has been your instructor, so you’re more likely to defer to him and his judgment rather than cleanly lead like I want you to.”

“There may be some virtue in drawing from superior experience,” Parks said to her with an edge of reproach.

“No doubt,” Ariadne said, “but this is a time of trial.”

“What about Eve?” I said hopefully.

Ariadne’s face flickered with a moment’s hesitation before she answered. “She won’t take orders from you, she’s too stubborn.”

I let that hang in the air for a moment, not letting her escape my gaze. “Know that from experience, do you?”

Ariadne stared coolly back. “Clary will listen, and he’s strong enough to be of use if you run into trouble, powerful enough to overcome almost any meta you run into.”

“He’ll listen?” I asked, dubious. “First time for everything, I suppose.”

Ariadne ignored me. “Go to Des Moines. Find this house, and get to the bottom of what Omega’s up to.”

“Don’t you have anything ominous to say about this?” I asked. “Something like, ‘Our very existence hangs in the balance’ or ‘the fate of the meta world depends on you’?”

“No offense, but if I thought the stakes were that high, I’d send M-Squad. Experience trumps youth and enthusiasm. Besides, Omega is headquartered in Europe. Whatever you find won’t be more than the five of you can handle.”

I let my jaw hang slack, and favored her with my best disbelieving stare. “So...what I’m hearing you say is that there will probably be a whole army of Omega’s thugs and minions there, as well as some of the old gods. Got it.”

She blinked and drew back in disbelief. “I just did you get that out of what I said?”

“You jinxed me.” I started toward the stairwell. “I can’t believe you just jinxed me like that!”

“It’s a safe house!” she said, trailing along behind me. “A house, in the city of Des Moines. Two-thousand square feet, tops. It can’t possibly house more than a few metas—no army, no minions. And I think gods would travel in a bit higher style.”

“You don’t know.” I pushed through the exit door. Parks and J.J. had been left behind, but Ariadne trailed in my wake. “They could have one of the old gods in this place.” I paused and held the door for her. “They could have Thor. And when he smacks me upside the head with Mjolnir—or possibly mesmerizes me with Chris Hemsworth-like abs—I’m going to say, ‘I told Copyright 2016 - 2024