That Old Black Magic - By Michelle Rowen Page 0,3

with unruly dark hair almost long enough to brush his broad shoulders. He casually pulled on a black leather jacket as he trailed closely after Eden. He was very handsome, of course. Most demons had a highly attractive human visage they wore when not in their demonic form. It made it that much easier to prey upon humans.

He was going to be a problem.

She wondered why Eden would spend time with this evil creature and allow him into her home. Maybe he was threatening her. Blackmailing her.

Or . . . sleeping with her.

Was her daughter having an affair with a demon?

Eden had always been a rules follower, a perfect student, a hard worker, although one who’d always lacked any specific career direction. A smart girl like that wasn’t one who’d have her head easily turned by one of Lucifer’s minions.

Then again, despite Eden’s natural beauty—that she’d inherited from her mother, of course—she’d never had much confidence in herself when it came to men, poor thing. This must have been what the demon had preyed upon.

Caroline had arrived just in time. Sure, she had other pressing matters to attend to, but rescuing her only child from the clutches of a demon had now risen to the very top of her to-do list.

It would be so nice to talk to Eden again. It had been much too long since they’d last spent time together.

Then again, Caroline had been dead for the last three months.


Maksim Zadravec, the most powerful wizard in Toronto, didn’t look like someone from Hufflepuff at all.

Slytherin was more like it.

Darrak eyed him with distaste as the wizard leisurely moved his gaze over Eden’s body from head to toe. From the gleam in his eye it seemed as if he liked what he saw.

The wizard had dark good looks, tanned skin, broad shoulders, and wore an expensive-looking tailor-made suit. He lived in a large mansion at the outskirts of the city that looked more like a castle than anything else. If it didn’t have a feel of true history Darrak would assume the wizard had it custom-built to give himself more of a magical mystique.

Maksim lived alone . . . if you didn’t count the butler and two maids that silently slunk around the ten-thousand-square-foot, non-cozy home.

Darrak disliked him immediately. Knowing an attractive man was taking an active interest in Eden, for whatever reason, bothered him.

He knew it was jealousy, pure and simple. And maybe he was dealing with a small—or not so small—feeling of possession. No pun intended.

After all, Eden was his.

She, however, would likely argue this.

“So you want my help, do you?” Maksim said in a smooth, deep voice.

Darrak and Eden shared a glance.

“We do,” she confirmed. “It’s just that my black magic is—”

“Difficult for you to control,” Maksim finished. “And you are worried for the state of your soul.”

Her brows went up. “Well, yes. That’s exactly it. How do you—?”

“Know what’s wrong with you without first being told?” Maksim smiled. “One of my many talents, Eden.”

Darrak wasn’t sure how he felt about the wizard’s special insight. A lot of magic, even with the more notable wizards, was no more genuine than rabbits shoved up shirtsleeves. A whole lot of smoke and mirrors with little genuine product to back it up. Black magic, after all, harmed every practitioner if used too blatantly. Even somebody like Maksim.

“Can you help her?” Darrak asked evenly.

“How did you come by this magic, Eden?” the wizard asked.

Darrak’s lips thinned. “Don’t you know that, too?”

Maksim glanced at the demon. “It was a spell, correct? Another witch from long ago—she cast a spell upon you.” He took a walk around Darrak as if assessing him. “Sex magic. Sleeping with you made her a black witch. And now the same has happened with Eden.”

Darrak didn’t like this guy, but he couldn’t help but be a bit impressed. “Pretty much.”

“I can sense the spell. And I can sense your curse as well.” Maksim’s smile held. “It’s a big one.”

“I try not to brag.”

Maksim now strolled around Eden, who stood stiffly, her arms crossed over her chest. Her gaze flicked to a large oil painting of a nude that looked as if it was a few hundred years old. However, Darrak wasn’t much of an art expert.

“How many times have you taken her?” the wizard asked.

Eden snorted at that. “Taken me?”

“Do you not understand the question?”

“No, I—I understand.” Eden cast an embarrassed look at Darrak. She hated having their private problems out on the table like this.

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