Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties on - By Lynda Burton Page 0,79

room 2912, and here’s the number. I don’t know about you, but my cell phone bill is outrageous, so call me from a land line after 11 PM. Okay.” “That’s a plan. How was your ride up? Did you hit a lot of traffic?” He asked. “Hell, yeah,” I said. I looked at my watch and realized that it was time to meet up with the senator. “Look, I’ve got to run, sorry I can’t talk longer, but I’ve got to run.” “Okay,” he said then hung up.

My second meeting of the day took up most of the afternoon, and I was exhausted by the time it came to a close. I asked my boss if he’d mind if I headed for my room and passed up the dinner reception. “No, Haley, go ahead. If I go myself, I won’t be long either,” he replied and waved me off. I left the Capitol building and headed for my hotel. I walked straight through the lobby and up to my suite without stopping. As I opened the door to my room and turned on the lights, I could smell the sweet aroma of jasmine. I looked around and saw the largest bouquet of mixed flowers sitting on my coffee table. I walked over to them and grabbed the card.


Thank you for the wonderful evening the other night, I enjoyed your company. The sadness in your eyes touched my soul. I would love to be the one to make them sparkle and come alive. I’ve been thinking about you since. I’m looking forward to our next date, till then,


Damn, nice impression and great taste in flowers. I thought to myself. Maybe it was a good idea to change my man blueprints. Let me call this man right now and thank him for the wonderful and sweet gesture. I walked over to the phone and called him. “Hello, Max. I’m sorry to be calling you so late, but I just got back to my room. Thank you so much for the lovely bouquet of flowers,” I whispered in my sexiest voice. “Hmmmm, that’s okay that you woke me up. I was sure I could make those pretty eyes of yours sparkle and to make you smile, and did I accomplish that? He asked? Wait, before you answer that, could you tell me why there’s so much sadness in your eyes?” Max asked. I began to choke up. “Max, I think that’s a conversation we’ll have another time. Okay?” I replied. “Okay, no pressure. I just think you’re too beautiful to have such sadness in those eyes. I’m not going to keep you; I know you had a long day. I’ll see you Sunday. Good night,” then, and hung up. Tears started to fill my eyes as I pulled a flower from the vase. I lay across the bed and wondered what kind of guy this Max was. I thought to myself. Is he really a nice guy? Does he also have bad luck with women cheating on him and fooling around like I have with men? Or is he a scumbag and uses women until he breaks their spirit? Is he another lying asshole that fucks up every relationship he’s in and blames everyone else when he get caught in his lies? Or is he a self indulging motherfucker who’s only out for himself? Oh, well, let me stop second guessing the guy and give him the benefit of doubt. I thought to myself, I was getting myself sick and decided to see what happens. I turned off the light and fell asleep.

I woke up around 9 AM and started repacking my overnight bag. The senator’s flight for Washington DC was scheduled for 1 PM, and I had plenty of time to go over last-minute details with him. I called Washington DC to find out that our two-day conference was rescheduled for the following month. So we could head home ahead of schedule. The senator decided that he wanted to get back to New York faster than we arrived so we took a flight back instead of making that four-hour drive. We landed at JFK International Airport just before midnight and were met by another staff member to bring us back to the office. While I stayed at the office to look over my next week’s appointments, the senator was driven to his residence.

I left the office somewhere around 3 AM and headed home for much-needed rest. I walked in the door and

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