Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties on - By Lynda Burton Page 0,53

black Coach and got a jump on my morning rush. Then I jumped into bed and softly drifted off to sleep. My alarm clock went off promptly at eight o’ clock. I slowly got up remembering that my boss wouldn’t be in till around 2:00 PM. I had plenty of time for a work out at the gym before work. Ugh, this shit is kicking my ass, but its well worth it. 11 o’clock sharp I was walking out of the gym and headed home for a quick shower and to change for work. Damn, my day was long and by 10:00 PM. I was exhausted beyond imagination and ready to go home. I dropped the senator off at his residence and made my way to the parkway. Halfway home, I received a call from Sean. He told me that he had spent the entire day in court fighting with his ex-wife over custody of their two kids. “So, things didn’t go well in court again?” I asked. “No, they didn’t, not at all,” he replied. “Can you believe that the courts awarded her $2,800.00 a month in support from me? How in the hell am I gonna survive? How am I going to live?” he yelled. “They left me with virtually nothing in my pockets! I’m going to have to find a second job off the books so I can keep a roof over my head!” he said sadly. “Hey, I’m sorry to hear that, if there’s anything I can do, just let me know. In fact, I have a few dollars to tie you over if you need it.” “Look, we’re friends, and I’ve got your back,” I said, and then hung up. I said a silent prayer and took my time driving home.

As soon as I got into the house, I let Hobbs out and ran upstairs to run myself a hot bubble bath. I checked my answering machine then returned downstairs to let in my baby and fixed a cosmopolitan to enjoy while I took my bath. I slipped off my dress and stood naked admiring my body in the mirror. My workouts in the gym were paying off. My flabby butt and thighs were diminishing and a tight and muscular transformation was in the making. I turned on some soft music, lit a few candles and stepped into a tub of bubbles. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. “Between the Sheets” by the Isley Brothers was playing softly and almost brought a tear to my eye. “Damn,” I said out loud. I would love to have that song playing and be in the arms of Jordan or my mystery man.

I stepped out of the tub, dried off and climbed into bed. Then I said my nightly prayers while holding my favorite pillow. I prayed for my family and friends and near the end of my prayers. I prayed that my chocolate man was safe and to let us one day meet again and if we didn’t. I thanked the almighty for that little burst of hope in finding someone to light my spark again. Then I fell into a sound sleep.

Hobbs woke me up around 6 AM. He had either heard another dog barking, or he saw a squirrel through the window, because he wouldn’t leave me alone until I let him out. “Damn, it’s too early for me to get up,” I said while wiping the sleep from the corner of my eyes. I wasn’t due in early today. The senator’s first appointment was a luncheon at 1 PM and a dinner engagement was scheduled for 7:30 PM. So my morning was free. I made a cup of coffee and went back upstairs and washed my face and brushed my teeth. While looking in the mirror, I decided that my hair needed a touch up and decided to call my beautician. I knew Pat was in the shop early on Tuesdays, so I showered and was at her shop when she arrived. Pat took one look at me and said, “Girl, you’re black as hell, what island were you at and what the hell happened to your hair? You need a touch-up like yesterday,” and laughed. “I know you want to adopt me as your dependant, she said and laughed again. “I was in the Bahamas, and the water is what happened to my hair,” I said. “And as far as having you as a dependant, no thanks, but I will take

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