Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties on - By Lynda Burton Page 0,52

He walked to the door and briefly looked at me then walked out, and I closed the door behind him. I made myself a drink then went back to finish my laundry. After everything was washed, dried and folded Hobbs and I returned upstairs, ate a light snack and ploped down on the couch to watch some TV together.

I was mentally drained and must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, Hobbs was up and barking at the front door. I slowly pulled myself to my feet as my door opened. It was Nia and Toni welcoming me home from my trip holding up with a bottle of wine as they walked through the door. “Hey girl, we want to know how your trip to the Bahamas was with Kavon! So what’s the 4-1-1? I want to know all the details.” Toni laughed as she walked into the living room. Nia pushed past me and greeted Hobbs with a bag of his favorite snacks and plopped down on the couch. “Okay, no holding back, give up the 4-1-1 on Mr. Kavon,” Nia and Toni said in unison. “There’s nothing for me to tell,” I said. It was my time of the month, and I had terrible cramps the entire time so I laid low. I was so overwhelmed by Kavon’s lies, I couldn’t talk about it. They looked at each other then shrugged their shoulders then walked into the kitchen to get glasses and a bowl for the chips. My friends know me well enough to know that really wasn’t the deal and let my excuse slide for the time being. Just then the phone rang. “Toni, would you please answer the phone for me,” as I shut the door to the bathroom. “It’s Sean and Monica on the phone,” Toni yelled. “They said welcome home, and they want to know the details!” I yelled back, “Maybe tomorrow, I’m tired and have an early day tomorrow.” “Besides these cramps are kicking my ass,” I said. Nia and Toni looked at each other and poured the wine. “If you’re not willing to talk about it now, that’s okay, but just unwind with this glass of wine first, and we’ll get out of your way.” I looked at both of them smiled and sat down with them. Three glasses later, I was fast asleep on the couch and Nia and Toni let themselves out.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still on the couch and Hobbs poking at me to let him out. I was in no mood to go to work or be sociable so I called into work for an extra vacation day. I walked upstairs, took the phone off the hook, and crawled into bed. There I slept the rest of the day and half the night. When I woke up, it was almost midnight. I reached for the phone and saw that I had ten messages. Kavon called four times and the rest of the calls were from my dad, Sean, Nia, and my coworker Lorraine.

Lorraine and I met the first day I started working for the senator. She’s single, in her early thirties, about five feet and nine inches with a vibrant and charismatic personality. She’s also a single mom with a five-year-old. She’s what you might say my second pair of eyes and ears and the only one that I confide in at work. She’s also a night owl and I decided to give her a call. “Hey girl, I’m home, are you busy?” I asked. “Hey, your back already?” she said, surprised! So, how was your romantic vacation with that gorgeous man of yours? Do I hear wedding bells in the distant future? Are you in love, what’s up?” she exclaimed. “Girl, get a cigarette, pour you a drink, and sit down,” I said. “Nooooo,” she said.

After explaining the story in detail to Lorraine all she could say was. “You lying girl, you’re lying!” I think that this was one time that she truly didn’t know what to say. She knew Kavon’s baby-mama drama knocked the wind outta me. “Girl, I’m there for you, if you need to talk I’m all ears.” After a moment of silence I told her that I had to finish my hair and that I would see her at work in the morning. She agreed then hung up. I showered, pulled out a black dress, and changed the contents of my Louis Vuitton tote to my

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