Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties on - By Lynda Burton Page 0,45

glasses, grabbed a bottle of wine that was chilling in the refrigerator popped the cork and poured.

“Okay, Okay, the suspense is killing me, what the hell is going on?” I asked. Monica looked at me and said, “Don’t say anything until I tell you what happen today, please.” Then with a straight face she said that she was going to kill her ex-husband. I took a long sip of the wine, lit a cigarette, and kicked off my shoes and listened quietly. Monica also took a sip of wine then began her story. “This fucker must be watching my house. He’s either hiding out in the bushes or in a car down the block watching the house. Earlier this afternoon, Sean came by my house to pick me up and we went shopping then to the movies. Sean was in my house no longer than fifteen minutes and when we came out. His car was spray painted with white paint and mine was spray painted with red paint!” I looked at both of them then took a long swallow of my wine. I couldn’t say a word, what could I say! At least he didn’t bust out the windows and flatten the tires, I thought to myself.

Just then the doorbell rang, I got up and looked out of the dining room window and saw Kavon’s car parked across my driveway. I yelled from the kitchen for him to come on in and join us. Kavon slowly opened up the screen door and made his way into the kitchen. He introduced himself to Sean and Monica and then sat next to me on the breakfast nook. “Am I interrupting something?” he asked. “No,” Monica answered as she reached into the cabinet for another glass. “We’re trying out some new wine, have a glass.” About a half hour later, Sean and Monica decided that they were hungry and decided they were going to grab something to eat. “You guys want to join us?” Sean asked. Kavon and I looked at each other and shook our heads then declined their invitation. So without saying another word, Monica stood up, reached for her pocketbook as Sean shook Kavon’s hand good-bye. After they left Kavon and I took it upstairs to my bedroom. He sat on my big oversized chair and watched TV as I finished packing for my trip to Las Vegas. I had just finished zipping my bag when Kavon said he had something important to talk to me about. He stood up and lifted my suitcase off the bed then motioned for me to sit down next to him. “Haley, how about us taking a trip somewhere?” he asked. I smiled and said, “Sure, where do you want to go?” “I don’t know, Kavon replied. I’ll tell you what, why don’t you check out some places on the Internet, while I fix us something to eat I said. I turned around and showed Kavon into my office and I went downstairs to make us a couple of sandwiches. When I returned upstairs he had booked us a week in the Bahamas. We called it an early evening, showered and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The sound of my automatic sprinklers woke me up around 4:40 AM. I got up and took a shower, applied my makeup, and dressed while Kavon lay fast asleep in my bed. I let Hobbs out and was almost finished making breakfast when I heard Kavon coming down the stairs. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” he asked. “I got up early and didn’t think it was necessary to wake you up so early.” He smiled and reached for the refrigerator and poured himself a glass of juice. We ate breakfast then headed for the airport. Have a great family reunion Kavon said as he dropped me off at the terminal. Then he headed for his office. I made my way through the series of airport screeners and walked slowly toward my departure gate. Within in the hour, I was airborne and Las Vegas bound. Just before we landed, the pilot made an announcement over the PA system. “Welcome to Las Vegas, the current temperature is 107 in the shade, and may you all have a pleasant stay.” Damn, I’m going to get black as a piece of coal, I thought to myself. I stepped off that nice air-conditioned plane and into the oven of Vegas. “Damn, it’s hot as hell out here,” I said out loud as

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