Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties on - By Lynda Burton Page 0,42

my friends and thought of you. I know you work all over the city, are you all right? Were you anywhere near the World Trade Center when it went down?” he asked. “Thanks for thinking about me, Cory,” I replied. “No, I was home when the towers went down, and as far as anything else, I’m surviving. Look, I’m just getting out of the tub, and I’m dripping wet, do you want to hold on or should I call you back? I’ll hold on if you don’t mind, my phone has been acting kind of funny after the bombing,” he replied. So, I put the phone down and dried off. It took me a couple of seconds to get myself together and return to his call.

Cory confessed to me that he had been eyeing me for the past couple of months and was unsure if he should approach me or not. Then out of the blue, he asked me out on a date. Shit, that’s what I was afraid of, I thought to myself. Maybe some other time, some other place but not now! I had just set my mind and heart on being alone again and didn’t want to be let down or disappointed again by a man looking for someone on the down low. “Look Cory,” I replied, “I’ll accept your invitation on one condition. I’m not interested in dating, and we could only go to dinner as friends. I’m kind of interested in someone, and I don’t want to do anything behind his back, and if it doesn’t work out with us. I am going to take a break from men for a while.” “So please don’t get any ideas and try to change my mind if that should happen,” I asked. Cory laughed and said that he would try to respect my decision, but wouldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t be tempted to change my mind. Then he decided to make small talk and told me about himself.

Cory told me that he was a Sagittarius, born December 1 and had a five-year-old daughter and broke up with her mother two years ago, and he hasn’t dated anyone seriously since. Besides he doesn’t have time to date, since he works two jobs. Then he dropped a bombshell on me. He said that he still lived at home with his parents and younger brother and doesn’t plan on moving out. What’s going on? What happened to independent living? I don’t understand. How does a grown man bring a girl home and expect her to give up the goodies while his parents and little brother are in the house? Why are men so lazy? They no longer have the ambition to move out of the house and find an apartment of their own. For the life of me, I don’t understand why men feel like they don’t have to get their own shit anymore! In saying that, I guess men don’t think they should be our providers anymore. In fact, a lot of guys I know only date females that have their own houses and apartments and move in with them. Anyway, this confirms my original statement to Cory, we can only be friends and as far as going to his house, that’s out of the question. And as far as coming over to my house and getting comfortable, well that’s out of the question!

Right in the middle of my thoughts, I heard Cory’s voice. “Haley, are you still there?” I replied. “Oh, I’m sorry, Cory, something caught my attention, and I wasn’t paying attention.” Cory didn’t get the hint and kept on talking. In fact, he started to pour it on thick and told me that when I came to my senses that I was going to be his girlfriend!

Oh well, I had my sights set on my Chocolate man anyway I thought to myself. Even though when I first met Cory, there was a moment when I might have considered him as a possible suitor. Even though our hours didn’t mesh, he would always take the time to call me. In fact, I remember him saying to me that no matter what, someday I was going to be his woman and the sooner I realized it, the faster he could restore my faith in men. He would say things like; I don’t care how long it takes me, I’m going to get you out of the he-man haters club. He would give me endless compliments like you’re so

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