Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties on - By Lynda Burton Page 0,16

were feeling no pain. After the band’s third set, John suggested that we head back to the hotel because we had an early flight. I agreed and we finished our drinks. As we walked back to the hotel, we talked about all the beautiful ruins of Athens. He walked me to my room and said good night. Like I said from the beginning, he was a gentleman despite his shortcomings!

At 6:30 AM I could see land! All I could think of New York here I come! I had two days to spend with Jordan before he left on tour, and I was going to make them memorable. As soon as the plane landed, I made my way to the baggage area and prayed my bags would not be the last ones on the conveyor carousel. Ten minutes later, I grabbed the last of my bags and rushed outside to catch a cab home. Luckily, rush hour hadn’t started yet and was able to make it home in twenty minutes. I ran in the house looking to greet Hobbs, only to find a note from Dawn. She stated that she had Hobbs at her house and would bring him back later if I wanted. I kissed the note, ran upstairs, and jumped in the shower. I didn’t tell Jordan when my flight was arriving because I wanted to surprise him and be at his house when he got home for rehearsal. No one was at the apartment when I arrived, so I used my key and made myself at home. I dropped my bags in Jordan’s room and walked to the kitchen to scan what was in the refrigerator. Seeing nothing I wanted to cook, I decided to walk across the street to the grocery store and picked up a couple of things for dinner. While I started dinner, I changed the sheets on the bed, put fresh towels in the bathroom and vacuumed. I packed up all of the dirty laundry and ran to the laundry mat at the corner. I paid the attendant to wash, dry, and fold his clothes to save me time. Around four thirty, I picked up the laundry and neatly put everything away. That would give us more time alone when he got home from work. So I showered and put on a beautiful La Perla nightgown that I picked up in Greece, turned on the TV and sat down in his oversized chair. I noticed that he had left his itinerary on the night table and decided to return the surprise of a gift when he arrived at his hotels. So I called the Vermont Teddy Bear Company and ordered a personalized teddy bear for Jordan. I decided on the one with a tee shirt, sunglasses, blue jeans, and Timberland boots. The company promised that the bear would be expressed mailed that night, and that it would arrive in Hong Kong before Jordan did. Then I called the Hilton Resort in Phuket and ordered a bottle of champagne and fresh fruit for his room when he checked in. My last call was to the Marriott Hotel in Bangkok, and arranged to have two dozens of white roses to be placed in his hotel room when he arrived. I didn’t care what it cost; he was worth every cent and more. After I was done I curled up and took a nap.

Around eight-thirty, I woke up after hearing the front door close. I heard footsteps walking past the dining room and continue down the hall. Jordan yelled, “Baby, I’m home!” He dropped everything at the bedroom door and ran over to me and kissed me as if he was starving. We must have been mauling each other a good five minutes and only stopped because we heard a voice say, “Take it inside!” We broke from our embrace to see Michael, Xavier, and his other roommate, Tyrese, standing in the hallway laughing at us. “Hey, Tyrese,” Jordan said. “This is my heart; my heart, this is Tyrese,” and laughed. “Well . . .” Tyrese said, “I was hoping that’s who she was, especially since you were in the death lip-lock,” and laughed. Michael and Xavier walked over to me and greeted me with a hug. Xavier stepped back and said, “Haley, Jordan was unbearable to live with when you were gone, and I’m glad you’re back.” Michael chimed in next with another smart comment. “Look, man, we know you two haven’t seen each other in

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