Officially Over It - Lani Lynn Vale Page 0,36

a week now. Saint had to go down for training in Benton, Louisiana. He just got back last Monday, I think.”

Nathan rolled the window down and pointed up. “He went into apartment 373B.”

Saint nodded his head and started up the stairs as another officer I hadn’t been introduced to before, Malachi, started around the back just in case the drug dealer tried to make a jump for it.

Instead of staying and watching the excitement, Nathan pulled out of his spot and drove back to my place, pulling in and taking up both the visitor spot and my spot.

I rolled my eyes at his lack of caring when it came to being between the lines and started up the stairs to my place.

I was halfway up the stairs when I noticed that my door was once again open.

“Son of a bitch,” I grumbled darkly.

“What?” Nathan asked, coming to a stop beside me.

“Door’s broken,” I answered, gesturing to it.

Nathan cursed under his breath, produced a gun from somewhere in the front of his pants, and started forward with a wariness that gave me enough time to admire the breadth of his shoulders.

I was behind him when he toed open the door and swept inside as if he wasn’t worried about what might be in there with him.

I didn’t bother to follow him inside.

Instead I moved to the left of the door and waited for him to call me and tell me I was allowed to come inside. Something he did about five minutes later after I assumed he’d made it through all of the rooms.

“Is everything destroyed?” I asked curiously.

“No,” he said. “It doesn’t even look like whoever was in here took anything. Just unlocked it and was careless in locking it back up.”

I sighed. “That’s what happened last time,” I said as I pushed through the door and looked around, taking everything in with how I’d left it this morning when I’d left for work. “The last time there were little things here and there that were in a slightly different position. It was as if whoever did it just came in, looked at stuff, moved a few things around, and then left.”

Kind of like right then.

The place wasn’t even all that different from how I’d left it this morning. Other than what looked to be a coffee cup of pencils moved off of the corner of my kitchen counter.

Now, all the pencils were in there, though upside down instead of eraser up, and they were in the middle of the counter instead of on the edge.

“Glad you’re moving out of here,” he grumbled. “My place at least has an alarm.”

I rolled my eyes. “This place has an alarm.”

“Do you set it?” he asked.

No. Because I didn’t want to pay to have the place monitored. Duh.

He must’ve read the truth on my face because he grumbled something under his breath and gestured to my bedroom. “Go get your crap.”


It was only after I’d ‘gotten my crap’ and we’d arrived back at his place that the nerves started to set in.

Luckily, Saint had followed us home, giving me some time to clean up, take a shower, and get ready for bed. I had decided that the motorcycle ride could wait. I was just too exhausted.

When Nathan still hadn’t come into the house, I took that as a sign and went to lie down in his bed while wearing the shirt that I’d seen him take off from before we’d had sex.

After waiting for all of five minutes, my brain decided that it was done with today, and I was going to sleep whether my newly announced husband was there or not.

The last thought I had was that I could get used to this. My husband taking care of me. Falling asleep in his clothes and his bed, all the while knowing he would be there to protect me if I ever needed it.

Chapter 14

Yes, it’s a bad time to talk. You should come back when I’m not feeling so honest.

-Text from Reggie to Nathan


Thankfully I woke up the next morning before my alarm.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone, switching the alarm off before it could wake the sleeping giant in the bed next to me.

The sleeping giant that slept like the dead, hogged the bed, and was so sexy that it hurt.

His hair was a giant mess, and he slept with his mouth hanging half open.

I wanted to reach forward and poke my finger inside the opening, but I was also Copyright 2016 - 2024