Odin (Alien Adoption Agency #5) - Tasha Black Page 0,21

analyzed,” she retorted.

Odin made a strange barking sound, which she belatedly realized was a laugh.

“Look, it’s my farm,” she told him. “I need to learn how to do all of this, not just the fun parts. Besides, I have my view screen.”

She lifted her wrist and touched a button on the side of her bangle.

A laser image lifted from it in the form of a screen, showing her the night farm in full detail. The infrared scanner lit up the shape of a bird in a tree nearby.

“That’s cool,” Odin allowed.

She swung it his way and the screen brightened so much that she was afraid it was malfunctioning.

“Oh wow,” she said.

“Infrared heat sensor?” he guessed.

“Yeah,” she said. “I guess you’re… pretty hot.”

He raised one eyebrow.

She gulped.

He turned and marched toward the woods.

Well, at least it seemed like he was okay with her coming along. He seemed less angry than before too.

She took it as a good sign. If Odin could drop his grumpiness, then surely they would find what they were looking for.



Odin didn’t like leaving Colton, and he hated bringing Liberty into harm’s way.

But Cora seemed like the right kind of sitter - serious and ready for trouble.

And Liberty, in spite of her lovely manners, was as equipped for a trek through the forest as any Terran could be.

Not to mention that he was with her. He would protect her at all costs.

The night air blew cool and sweet through the trees, and the stars glowed through the cloud cover in a way that made Liberty’s darker-than-ebony hair shine almost purple.

It was hard to remember they were looking for a big cat, not a private place to make out in the woods.

He remembered his youth before joining the Invicta and the pretty girls he had snuck off with when he was a teenager.

Not one of them had given him the breathless feeling he had when Liberty was near.

Focus, soldier. She’s not your girl.

He bit his lip and marched on a little faster so that they were at the edge of the woods in a few breaths.

“Everything okay?” Liberty asked him.

“Sure,” he told her. “I just want to get this over with. Stay close to me and do exactly as I say.”

“Of course,” she said immediately.

His dragon roared with pride. It was sure she knew of their bond in her heart, even if Odin hadn’t told her about it in words. This quick obedience was absolute proof in its eyes.

Easy, Odin told it inwardly, knowing it was going to love what he said next.

“I’m going to let the dragon come close to the surface,” he warned Liberty. “Don’t be frightened.”

“I’m not,” she assured him.

He had to close his eyes and count to five slowly under his breath to keep the dragon from pushing him over the edge.

She’s not frightened, it whispered teasingly in his ear. She likes your wild side. Let’s show it to her.

“Odin?” she whispered.

“Fine,” he replied, not sure which of them he was answering.

When he opened his eyes again, he could see every detail in the moss on the bark of the trees and hear the heartbeats of the little crustaceans that called the forest home.

He could also scent the exquisite aroma of his mate as clearly as if he had buried his face in her sex. He wasn’t the only one aroused.

“Odin,” she murmured, gazing into his eyes.

They glowed red as coals now, that was what happened when he let the beast nose its way to the front. But true to her word, she didn’t look frightened. Her pupils were dilated and her breathing was slightly faster than before.

Take her, boy, the dragon told him firmly.

But Odin would never do that.

He turned away from her and headed into the trees, though it felt like he was ripping his organs right out of his body.

Somewhere in the darkness, another predator awaited. Something that threatened his mate and child and their livelihood. Surely that would distract the dragon from his thoughts.

But the dragon only laughed.

You cannot deny your fated mate forever, it laughed.

Odin put one hand on the hilt of his laser sword and stalked into the trees, Liberty’s footsteps in rhythm with his own.



Liberty followed Odin into the depths of the forest. She was beginning to wonder if she wouldn’t just blithely follow him to the ends of the moon.

She should be scared. His eyes glowed-ruby red and she knew his temper, even in man-form, was barely contained. She was searching for one predator, while in the

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