Obsessed (The Protectors #13) - Sloane Kennedy Page 0,35

in and out of my body quickly turned rough and frantic. The friction of his dick shuttling in and out of me left me dizzy with the need to come. The table beneath me began to rattle as Matias fucked me harder and harder. I was completely at his mercy and I loved every second of it. It wasn’t until Matias’s free hand moved from my hip to my mouth that I realized my cries of pleasure were letting my neighbors know how much I was loving the rough ride.

Matias’s weight covered my back as he began desperately humping me as he seemingly tried to get deeper and deeper with every forward thrust. His grunts matched mine as we each sought our release. Matias replaced the hand over my mouth with his lips. His tongue melded with mine in a dance that was just as frantic as the one happening between our lower bodies. Matias dropped his free hand to cover mine on the table and then he was rutting into me like an animal. Pots and gardening tools began falling off the worktable as the steam from our hot breath began fogging up the windows in the shed. Incoherent pleas for relief began falling from my lips between kisses and sweat started to drip off my body.

I was sure I couldn’t go on any longer when Matias suddenly tightened his grip on my shaft and frantically stroked me. As desperate as I’d been to come, the orgasm still hit me out of nowhere. “Yes, right there. Yes, God, please!” I shouted. Matias slammed his mouth down on mine to swallow down the rest of my screams of pleasure. My entire body exploded as I came. Hot semen sprayed over my belly and chest as stars danced behind my closed eyes. Matias grunted against my mouth and then he shoved in hard and deep, pushing me onto the balls of my feet. His fingers gripped mine on the table as his body jerked and thrashed against mine. His dick pulsed inside of me, making me curse the condom that was keeping us from truly being one.

Matias’s orgasm caused one aftershock after another to rock my body and by the time I sagged against the table in complete surrender, Matias’s body was the only thing keeping me upright. I groaned every time Matias jerked inside of me, signaling that he too was experiencing heavy aftershocks of pleasure.

I couldn’t say how long we lay bent over the table for, but by the time Matias straightened and pulled free of me, rain was beating against the window of the almost too-hot shed and the fading sunlight was leaving behind an orange glow. Fabric rustled behind me. I told myself I needed to move but I was still too physically exhausted.

Problem was, my mind wasn’t at all tired. In fact, it was busier than ever.

And that wasn’t a good thing.

Several questions kept replaying on a loop in my head.

Did I really just get fucked senseless in my garden shed while all my neighbors were going about the business of sitting down to dinner?

What would Mac say if he’d known what I’d done?

Had I pleased Matias?

If so, when could we do it again?

Where could we do it again?

It was the silence around me that finally snapped me from my reverie. The silence that obliterated all my other questions and left me just one.

Why isn’t he saying anything?

I somehow forced my jelly-like limbs to respond to my commands to move. My body hurt everywhere as I straightened, but it was the sting in my ass that had me wanting to smile.

But I couldn’t… not with that question still unanswered.

“Matias?” I made the mistake of saying before I’d turned around. Because as soon as I did, as soon as I saw him with his back to me and his clothes already in place, I knew the answer to the question.

I felt sick to my stomach. This was a moment I was very familiar with. While I’d never had any of those awkward “walk of shame” times with Mac, there’d been plenty of them with the guys I’d performed oral sex on. In those days, the guys hadn’t been able to get away from me fast enough.

Just like Matias couldn’t get away from me fast enough now… the only difference was that he wouldn’t be spouting some kind of stupid excuse about needing to deal with something at work or having an early morning meeting or whatever.

I glanced

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